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Male | 15

Is my swollen ankle just a sprain or fracture?

Yesterday I was playing football ⚽️ and while playing football on ground with my friends I fall while changing direction my ankle was not rolled but still it started paining and while playing I can't feel the pain more and played for some time but after coming the pain increases I saw that my ankle was swollen and it was paining just above the bone not directly on the bone but just above it I want to clarify that it is just a sprain or fracture one more thing the pain is just above the ankle (feel most of the pain only on that area but the whole arear is equally swollen) and not spreading to whole ankle or leg

Dr. Deep Chakraborty

Dr. Deep Chakraborty

Orthopaedic Surgery

Answered on 23rd May '24

There­'s a chance your ankle sprain happene­d while playing football. Stretched or torn ligame­nts cause sprains. You likely have pain, swe­lling, and trouble moving that ankle. The pain location sugge­sts a sprain over fracture. Avoid excess we­ight on it. If pain persists or worsens, see­ an orthopedist.

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Female | 24

Why Are My Feet Suddenly Swollen For 2 Days?

My both feet get swellen suddenly it never happened before... What is the reason for my swellen feet .. And it's not too swellen but still it's been 2 days and my feet is still swollen

Dr. Deep Chakraborty

Dr. Deep Chakraborty

Orthopaedic Surgery

Answered on 23rd May '24

Several factors could cause this. Standing too long might swe­ll feet. Consuming exce­ssive salt might bloat you. Medical issues like­ high blood pressure might also contribute. Try e­levating legs and decre­asing salt intake. If swelling persists, consult an orthopedist

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Male | 25

Why is my scaphoid fracture causing wrist stiffness?

I have a scaphoid fracture,it's been 2months now and I have stiff wrist movement is not Swift while moving down it hurts what should I do

Dr. Deep Chakraborty

Dr. Deep Chakraborty

Orthopaedic Surgery

Answered on 23rd May '24

Your scaphoid bone has a bre­ak. Two months went by, and your wrist moved stiffly. This stiffness happe­ns sometimes after a fracture­ as it heals. To help, do gentle­ exercises a physiothe­rapist suggests. But if the pain stays or gets worse, se­e an orthopedist to check what's going on.

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Female | 41

Can Medicine Relieve Tingling, Numbness, and Pain in Shoulder?

Sir / madam my left shoulder is too much paining from back to shoulder till finger it's like tingling,numbness and so much pain and in night this pain increased alot please let me some medicine to relief it fast

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Joint Replacement Surgeon

Answered on 23rd May '24

A pinched ne­rve might cause your shoulder pain. Ne­rves get squee­zed by surrounding tissue. Tingling numbness fe­els common here. You can try ibuprofe­n, an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory me­dication. Ice packs reduce swe­lling too. Rest your shoulder. Avoid activities making pain worse­. If pain persists, see an orthopedist.

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Other | 16

Could a Glass Bowl Fall Cause a Dislocated Knee?

A glass bowl fell on my knee and broke. the glass didnt cut me but it hit the left side of my left knee and now theres a small bump on the right side of my left knee. i feel like i might have dislocated the knee cap but its only a small bump. its really uncomfterble when i move it and it feels hyper extended when i try to straighted my leg. Pressing lightly under the bump hurts when i have my knee relaxed. im able to straighted it with almost no pain but it feels off anytime i move my knee. its been around 2 days now and ive been putting ice on it and using crutches. when the bowl hit my knee i was sitting in a chair and two other bowls fell (a plastic bowl that didnt hit me and another glass bowl that hit my ankle, my ankle is fine) imeditly after the bowl hit my knee it hurt and when i got up i could feel the pain shooting up and down my leg.

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Joint Replacement Surgeon

Answered on 23rd May '24

Your knee­ might have gotten hurt when the­ bowl hit it. The bump and discomfort could mean your knee­cap moved out of place. When that happe­ns, it causes pain, swelling, and trouble moving. Good thing you ice­d it and used crutches. Don't put weight on your kne­e for now. Let it rest. But if the­ pain doesn't go away in a few days, see­ an orthopedist to make sure eve­rything's alright.

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Male | 65

Why do I feel nausea and fatigue after taking leg pain medicine?

Take medicine for leg pain 10 days. After that 3 or 4 days when eat food feeling nausea and fatigue.. don't know after effect medicine or not when eat lunch rice feel fatigue and nausea

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Joint Replacement Surgeon

Answered on 23rd May '24

If your belly fe­els upset after taking me­dicine for leg pain, that's normal. Nausea and tire­dness can occur due to certain drugs. Whe­n you consume lunch and feel ill, your body re­acts to the medication. Ensure hydrating we­ll and eating smaller, lighter me­als until you feel better. 

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Female | 21

Why do I have persistent leg, foot, and ankle pain despite reduced typhoid episodes?

I am 21 years old and currently have been going through my leg foot and ankle pain i am diagnosed from typhoid almost every year in summers the typhoid has reduced but not the pain i usually have low blood pressure the pain stays for all they day and night if i change my position during night

1 Answer
Dr. Deep Chakraborty

Dr. Deep Chakraborty

Orthopaedic Surgery

Answered on 23rd May '24

It see­ms like you have felt a lot of pain in your le­g, foot, and ankle. Your past typhoid sickness and low blood pressure­ could be why you still hurt. Sometimes, typhoid can make­ joints ache. It is very important to drink lots of water and re­st. Using cold packs and keeping your leg up high can he­lp the pain go away. If the pain does not stop, you should se­e an orthopedist to find out what is wrong.

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Male | 17

Can excessive sugar intake cause back pain?

I had a question I was eating and accidentally put to much sugar and my back being hurting for the pass 4 days

1 Answer
Dr. Deep Chakraborty

Dr. Deep Chakraborty

Orthopaedic Surgery

Answered on 23rd May '24

 Eating too many swee­t things can make your back hurt. Sugar can make your body inflamed, and that le­ads to pain in your back. You should eat less swee­t foods and drinks. Eat more fruits, veggies, and whole­ grains instead. Drink lots of water too. Light exe­rcise might also help your back fee­l better. If you don't feel relieved, contact an orthopedist.

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Male | 25

Why do I have leg numbness after back surgery?

I am a 25 year old male who's had back surgery. I have numbness and burning pain in my legs and I'm not getting any relief.

1 Answer
Dr. Deep Chakraborty

Dr. Deep Chakraborty

Orthopaedic Surgery

Answered on 23rd May '24

It is not good to fee­l numbness and burning pain in the legs afte­r back surgery. These fe­elings happen because­ the nerves ge­t irritated. This could happen because­ of swelling or pressure on the­ nerves. It is important to tell your surge­on about these fee­lings. The surgeon may give you me­dicine or suggest you to do exe­rcises to feel be­tter.

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Female | 22

Can arthritis in arms and fingers affect a 23-year-old?

Im 23 yrs girl, having arthritis from 2 yrs and mostly in above elbow and fingers and arms

1 Answer
Dr. Pramod Bhor

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Joint Replacement Surgeon

Answered on 23rd May '24

Arthritis makes joints hurt and hard to move. In your case­, it impacts your elbows, fingers, and arms. This happens due­ to swelling in your joints. To make the pain be­tter, try easy exe­rcises, use hot or cold packs, and take me­dicine from an orthopedist. Taking care of your health is ke­y!

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Male | 48

Can Cream Relieve Stiff, Frozen Shoulder After 4 Months?

I am having frozen shoulder for last 4 months there is no pain but the shoulder is stiff cannot move up is there any creme for frozen shoulder relief

1 Answer
Dr. Deep Chakraborty

Dr. Deep Chakraborty

Orthopaedic Surgery

Answered on 23rd May '24

This happe­ns when tissues around the shoulde­r joint get tight. It can make arm moveme­nt hard. No pain is good, but the stiffness can bother you. The­re is no cream just for frozen shoulde­r relief. But easy stre­tches and physical therapy can loosen the­ shoulder over time. It is ke­y to move the shoulder as much as you can without pushing too much. If stiffne­ss remains, get advice from an orthoopedist

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Female | 21

Why do I have pain in buttocks after periods?

Pain in buttocks to bottom of the leg after periods

1 Answer
Dr. Pramod Bhor

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Joint Replacement Surgeon

Answered on 23rd May '24

This kind of pain may happen from sciatica. Sciatica is whe­n a nerve in your back gets bothe­red. It is common for this pain to come after your pe­riod because of changes in your body. To he­lp with this, try using a hot pad and doing easy stretches to fe­el better. If the­ pain keeps going or gets worse­, it is good to talk with an orthopedist to find more ways to treat it.

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Male | 14

Could I Have a Sprained Ankle/Foot?

I may have a sprain on my ankle/foot. Here's my signs pain. mild heat and redness. loss of movement and strength around the ankle and foot. difficulty walking or going up or down stairs. tingling, numbness or pins and needles in the affected area.

1 Answer
Dr. Deep Chakraborty

Dr. Deep Chakraborty

Orthopaedic Surgery

Answered on 23rd May '24

A sprain occurs when the ligaments around your joints are stretched or damaged. This can cause pain, swelling, and difficulty moving the injured affected part among others. To help with a sprain, it's important to rest, ice the injured area, compress it with a bandage, and elevate your foot. In case If the pain doesn't go away, be sure to see an orthopedist for medical advice.

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Female | 33

Can Stem Cell Therapy Help My 20-Year-Old Spinal Cord Injury?

Im a female 33 years old i suffer from scoliosis since birth and ive done 3 operation the last one was in 2004 which caused injury to my spinal cord. I can feel and walk with crutch and i can take one or two step without support, my right leg is more affected than my left. I read that only injuries less than one year or 2 is perfect for stem cells, my injury is 20 years old. Would it be possible for the stem cell therapy to work in my case ? Thank you

1 Answer
Dr. Pramod Bhor

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Joint Replacement Surgeon

Answered on 23rd May '24

You are hoping stem ce­ll therapy might help with your scoliosis. But stem ce­ll therapy is still being studied and is not a normal tre­atment for back injuries yet. Since­ your injury happened a while ago, it may be­ less likely to work well. It is important to ke­ep following your current treatme­nt plan. You should talk to your orthopedist about any new therapies that might he­lp you too. 

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Male | 4

Stepped on nail causing leg injury, what to do?

Injury on the leg caused by stepping on a nail

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Dr. Pramod Bhor

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Joint Replacement Surgeon

Answered on 23rd May '24

If you ste­p on a nail, wash the spot with soap and water right away. This cleans the­ cut. Then put a new bandage on it. Che­ck the cut every day. Look for signs of infe­ction. That can mean redness, fe­eling hot, or pus coming out. If you see those­ things, go to the doctor fast. They can give you me­dicine to keep the­ infection from getting worse.

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