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Indian Girl Injects HIV-Infected Blood: A Misguided Gesture

Ever heard of weird ways through which people prove their love for their partners? A 15-year-old girl from Assam, India infuses herself with HIV-infected blood of her boyfriend with the help of a syringe, just to show how much she loves him.

  • Sexology Treatment

By Ayush Jain

4th Apr '24

According to reports, an -positive young person from Satdola in Hajo , India fell in love with a 15-year-old Assamese girl from Sualkuchi through Facebook. They were inseparable after three years because of the strength of their relationship and affection. They made several attempts to run away, but each time the girl's parents brought her back.

But this time the girl crossed every limit. She took her boyfriend's blood, drew it with a syringe and then injected herself. The girl's actions caused a sensation that captured the attention of everyone in their town. 

No one could have ever predicted what she would do, but when you're young and in love with an infected person, it seems like such common sense things to do - even if it may end up harming both parties involved. People are surprised to learn of the incident, which has caused a sensation over the entire area.

Even more concerning is the fact that this is not a unique incident. HIV diagnoses have dramatically increased in India in recent years.

 According to the HIV Estimation 2021 report from the Indian government, there are about 2.4 million People Living with HIV (PLHIV) in India. Of the anticipated total number of PLHIV, around 45 percent (10.83 lakh) are women and 2 percent, or roughly 51,000, are kids under the age of 12. Around 69% of all HIV/AIDS-positive people in South Asia fall into this category.


Given that India is home to more than 1.4 billion people, this is an extremely serious issue. This disease might have a catastrophic effect on the people of the nation as a whole if left unchecked. It is therefore crucial that we take steps to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS and provide proper medical care to those who are affected by it. 

Dr. B.S. Shetty from ClinicSpots, Mumbai, stressed the importance of early diagnosis and treatment for those suffering from HIV/AIDS. "The earlier you diagnose it, the more chances you have at living a longer life," he said. "It's also necessary for people to get tested for AIDs so as to save themselves as well as their loved ones from the same while using precautions like PrEP treatment, condoms etc." 

So if you think you may be at risk, please get tested immediately. The sooner you know your status, the sooner you can start receiving treatment and protecting yourself from this deadly virus.

According to the most recent reports, the HIV case in Assam has gotten worse. It is now reported that the 15-year-old girl who allegedly pumped blood from her boyfriend's body into her own is in a critical condition. 

Not only is this heartbreaking love tale ending in heartache, also, the girl's parents have lodged a complaint against the HIV-infected boy in the local police station and the police have caught hold of him.

This tragic episode emphasizes the value of spreading knowledge about HIV and AIDS. Even though this fatal virus is one of the most widely discussed worldwide health issues, many people are still uninformed of how it is spread or what safety measures must be followed.

Sexually active people have been encouraged by doctors to undergo routine HIV testing. They also suggest staying away from several sexual partners and utilising condoms throughout sexual activity. These straightforward steps can help stop the spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), save lives, and protect the public.


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I am 18 years male i have sexual problems from 8-7 days im not taking any medication

Male | 18

When it comes to sexual issues; you need to know that they can affect anybody at any time due to various reasons. Common signs may include trouble with erections, low libido, and difficulty reaching orgasm. These problems might be brought on by stress, anxiety or fatigue from other areas within your life such as work or school among others; this could also stem from relationship challenges (e.g., arguments), not just illnesses. Please share your specific problem in detail for a better analysis and advice.

Answered on 29th May '24

Dr. Inderjeet Gautam

Dr. Inderjeet Gautam

I am 22 year old. I have sex( physical relationship) with my partner. I have done 2 rounds but I relief my spump out side. Can she get pregnant?

Male | 22

Yes, it is possible for her to become pregnant even if you didn’t ejaculate inside her completely. There are still sperm in pre-cum that can result in pregnancy. If she has symptoms such as a missed period, feeling sick or throwing up a lot, or her breasts being sore and tender – then it is possible that she may be pregnant. To avoid this, use protection every time you have sex. 

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Dr. Madhu Sudan

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Answered on 29th May '24

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Dr. Madhu Sudan

I always put a dildo in my pussy and my pussy turns out white

Male | 13

The discharge from your vagina is quite normal and it could turn white. The material used in making the dildo might irritate your vagina hence this. When you see some itching, redness or strange smell together with the white discharge, be sure that you have an infection. To prevent this from happening again, ensure that you always clean your toy before and after using it and also make sure that it is made of a smooth body safe material. 

Answered on 28th May '24

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Dr. Madhu Sudan

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