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Recurrent endometrial cancer after hysterectomy

Breakthrough recurrent endometrial cancer after hysterectomy: discover causes, treatments, and preventive actions for a stronger, healthier you.

  • Cancer

By Kaustubh Jagtap

9th May '24

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Endometrial cancer, which originates from the lining of the uterus, is among the most common gynecological cancers affecting women worldwide. The main treatment for this type of cancer is hysterectomy, which surgically removes the entire uterus. However, according to a recent study, the recurrence rate of endometrial cancer after hysterectomy is approximately This poses a significant challenge both physically and mentally.

This detailed blog will give you valuable insights into causes, risk factors, treatment options, and preventive measures. Let’s begin with understanding why endometrial cancer reappears and its importance in long-term health planning.

It’s necessary to get yourself checked up after treatment to avoid the recurrence of potential complications. For more detailed insights, book a consultation with a leading oncologist in India.

Causes and risk factors

The recurrence of endometrial cancer is due to the return of cancer cells after initial treatment. Although treatments like surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy seek to destroy cancer cells, some of them can survive or stay undetected, causing recurrence. Here are its primary causes: 

Residual cancer cells: After the treatment, microscopic cancer cells can still be left, spreading to other organs and increasing the risk of relapse. 

Genetic mutations: Changes in the DNA of cancer cells can render them resistant to chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and other effective treatments. 

Tumor microenvironment: Factors such as inflammation and angiogenesis can facilitate the growth of residual cancer cells. 

Hormonal influence: Endometrial cancer is very sensitive to hormones, and hormonal fluctuations in your body can provoke relapse. 

Cancer stem cells: Due to the regenerative ability of stem cells, these cancer-related cells can regrow after treatment. 

Moreover, lifestyle-related factors, as well as other health conditions such as obesity and diabetes, also contribute to the elevated likelihood of recurrent endometrial cancer.

Moving on, read about the signs you should watch and when you should consult a doctor.

Symptoms of recurrent endometrial cancer after hysterectomy

Although the symptoms of recurrent endometrial cancer are pretty much similar to the initial one, you should know about some specific ones that only show up when it has advanced to other parts of the body or in the same location.

You must constantly look for these symptoms because early detection is crucial in effectively treating recurring cancer in the initial stage. You might also not notice these symptoms initially and may require a thorough diagnosis to evaluate potential risks. 

If you are facing any of these persistent symptoms, immediately seek consultation from an experienced oncologist.

Diagnosis of cancer recurrence after hysterectomy

The diagnosis of recurrent endometrial cancer after a hysterectomy typically involves a combination of patient symptom evaluation, physical examinations, and various diagnostic tests.

  • Imaging Tests may include CT scans, ultrasounds, or MRIs to visualize the pelvis and abdomen for abnormalities.
  • CA 125 Blood Test: This test measures the level of the cancer antigen 125 in the blood, which may be elevated in recurrent endometrial cancer.
  • Biopsies: A tissue sample may be taken from any abnormal area during imaging tests to confirm the presence of cancer cells.

"Regular follow-up care after a hysterectomy is important in detecting and managing recurrent endometrial cancer early. By staying vigilant, we can work together to minimize the risk of cancer recurrence and ensure the best possible outcomes for our patients." - Dr. Ganesh Nagrajan, a renowned surgical oncologist in Mumbai

Now you must be thinking, can recurrent endometrial cancer be cured? Read ahead to learn more

What is the best treatment for recurrent endometrial cancer?

Several factors determine the treatment approach for recurring endometrial cancer. Such as the site of recurrence, the type of treatment received previously, and the state of the patient’s health. The options would be more advanced surgery procedures, radiation therapy, hormonal therapy, and chemotherapy. 

Regional recurrences can be surgically removed if possible. Radiation therapy can be used as monotherapy or in combination with surgery to contain the spread of the disease. If hormone receptors are found among cancer cells, hormonal therapies are employed, chemotherapy is necessary when the disease has significantly advanced or other treatment options fail. 

It’s always said that “ prevention is better than the cure “. So, let's take a look at some prevention measures. 

How do you prevent endometrial cancer from coming back?

Follow-Up Care and Monitoring

  • Regular postoperative observation is crucial to avoid the repeat of endometrial tumors. This involves scheduled visits with an oncologist. They will do physical exams, imaging tests, and sometimes blood tests. These tests check for any returning sign of the cancer. 

Lifestyle Modifications

  • Maintain a healthy weight by avoiding overeating and regular exercise. This helps create a stronger immune system and maintains hormonal balance.
  • Start a healthy diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. 

Avoiding Excess Estrogen: 

  • The use of estrogen therapy should be avoided, and the levels of estrogen should be controlled carefully, especially in hormone therapy during menopause. 

Hormonal Therapy:

  • For some women, endocrine therapy is helpful. It depends on the specific traits of their cancer. It cuts the risk of recurrence. Doctors use progesterone and other hormones to offset the impact of estrogen. Estrogen is involved in causing some types of endometrial cancer. 

Managing Other Health Conditions:

  • Diabetes and hypertension are some of the health problems that can affect the recurrence of endometrial cancer. Managing these conditions is essential through medication and lifestyle changes. 

If you need more in-depth advice on preventive measures, it’s recommended you book an appointment with a qualified cancer specialist.

What is the newest treatment for endometrial cancer?

The newest treatment for endometrial cancer includes the use of immunotherapy, particularly drugs known as immune checkpoint inhibitors, in combination with chemotherapy. On March 21, 2022, pembrolizumab and on July 31, 2023, dostarlimab got the FDA approved to treat women with advanced or recurrent endometrial cancer whose condition had worsened after initial or first-line treatment.


Patients with recurring endometrial cancer face many challenges. But, knowing the causes, symptoms, and treatment, along with personal efforts, helps you recover better. Also, research in this field continues. It is promising and aims to stop endometrial cancer from coming back. 

Remember, apart from the continual effort of doctors, you also need to show courage and determination to overcome such a condition. Stay positive, and you should be able to look towards a brighter future.


Is recurrent endometrial cancer hereditary?

Although some of the cases of endometrial cancer are genetics-related, recurrence itself is not directly inherited. Nevertheless, some genetic mutations can enhance the likelihood of the first and recurrent endometrial cancers. 

Is repeat endometrial cancer induced by stress?

Although stress influences the health and well-being of an individual, there is no clear relation between psychological stress and the recurrence of endometrial cancer. Yet, stress management through relaxing activities and mindfulness could positively impact the quality of life. 

Do alternative treatments work in the management of recurrent endometrial cancer?

Alternative therapies, including herbal supplements and acupuncture, have less evidence to confirm their effectiveness in the treatment of recurrent endometrial cancer. The cornerstone of recurrence control is consulting with a cancer expert and using evidence-based treatment. 

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Question and Answers

I am suffering from severe stomach pain due to colon cancer stage 4, any medicine for pain relief

Male | 53

This pain occurs because the tumor is pressing on your belly inside. To relieve it, the doctor can prescribe you stronger drugs than those sold in the drugstore. These medicines are designed to ease the pain and make you comfortable. Keep telling your doctor how you feel so that they can change the medication when necessary to control the pain effectively.

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Female | 67

If breast cancer advances to the brain, throat, lungs, liver, and lymph nodes, it is advanced cancer. Breast Cancer naturally develops in the cells of the human breast. But when cancer cells are balooned in size, it is called breast tumor. Chemotherapy treatment is regarded as one of the most popular therapies for advanced Breast Cancer. Chemotherapy can be done as an outpatient procedure if your mom can physically handle the treatment..

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I know it is hard to have symptoms that seem like­ Hodgkin's lymphoma. This kind of cancer can make the lymph node­s swell up. It can make you fee­l very tired too. You might lose we­ight without trying. You might get sweaty at night. The be­st thing to do is see a doctor who treats cance­r. The doctor might need to do a te­st called a biopsy to know for sure if you have Hodgkin's lymphoma. The­ biopsy can help the doctor plan the right tre­atment for you. 

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