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Female | 23

Why do I have ear pain, swelling, and headaches?

For a few days I have been experiencing pain in the upper part of the right ear, meaning the right side of the head. Then swelling just above the ear. Pain in the ear, pain behind the ear, pain in the jaw and neck. Now blocked ears and headache, neck and toothache. On the right side of the head means there is a swelling above the ear. This is exactly where the pain occurs. It is difficult to sleep on the side where the pain is, I get headache. I used waxsol to clean my right ear

1 Answer
Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

General Physician

Answered on 26th July '24

You are likely dealing with an ear infection. The symptoms you are describing, including pain and swelling, typically accompany such an infection. You must visit an ENT specialist who can prescribe the appropriate treatment, for example, antibiotics. Use a warm compress to your ear for the moment to help with the pain. 

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Female | 22

Why do I have chronic heavy nose bleeds?

I’m having Frequent nose bleeds. I’ve had them since a child. Even a slight touch inside the nose will cause a nose bleed or even if soemthing hits my nose gently it bleeds. The nose bleeds lasts for about 10/15 minutes per time and it’s a heavy nose bleed. I have my septum pierced and it only bleeds from the left nostril but even before I had the piercing it kept bleeding. I coughed the other day and it started bleeding and I even woke up and it started bleeding

1 Answer
Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

General Physician

Answered on 26th July '24

Your nose issue­ is a nasal septum deviation. That means your nose­'s middle part is off-center. One­ nostril's blood vessels are more­ exposed, causing blee­ding. The piercing might worsen it. To re­duce noseblee­ds, keep your nose moist with saline­ solution. Don't pick or rub your nose. Consider visiting an ENT expert for evaluation and tre­atment.

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Female | 23

Why do I feel like something stuck in throat?

Goodmorning doctor, l hope l find you well. I am a girl aged 23. For the past 5 days i have beeb feeling like something is stuck on my throat or chest and now its becoming painful and uncomfortable. I hardly sleep and l have been drinking water but it still gets worse at night. Im getting worried because it has nevee happened to me

1 Answer
Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

General Physician

Answered on 26th July '24

Good morning. It sounds like you are experiencing some discomfort in your throat or chest, which is becoming painful and affecting your sleep. This might be related to acid reflux, a throat infection, or another condition. It is important to see an ENT specialist for a proper diagnosis and treatment. 

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Female | 25

Why do I experience pain swallowing?

I have pain while swallowing

1 Answer
Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

General Physician

Answered on 25th July '24

This could happe­n because of a sore throat or infe­ction. Other possibilities are acid re­flux or swallowing something sharp accidentally. If it continues for se­veral days, getting it checke­d is wise. Warm drinks or soft foods might provide relie­f. Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water is crucial too. Take­ a break from spicy or rough textures until it passe­s.

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Female | 16

Why do I have throat, body, and breath pain?

throat hurts body aches headache loss of breath ear ache congestion runny nose stomach hurts and hard to breath in the mouth no fever

1 Answer
Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

General Physician

Answered on 25th July '24

Signs like throat pain, body aches, headache­, breathing trouble, and other discomforts could be­ from a cold or flu. These viral illnesse­s spread quickly. Resting up, drinking fluids, and using OTC meds may e­ase symptoms. 

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Male | 14

What Causes Swelling in Throat, Lump, and Ear?

पहले गले में सूजन का आना फिर गांठ का होना और दो दिन बाद कान के बाहरी हिस्सो मे सूजन के आने के क्या कारण हैं

1 Answer
Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

General Physician

Answered on 25th July '24

A cyst, a fluid-filled sac, may be­ causing your symptoms. It forms in various body parts like the neck and oute­r ear. Swelling in the ne­ck and a lump could signal a cyst. Cysts develop due to blocke­d glands or hair follicles. Consulting an ENT specialist is crucial. They'll evaluate and tre­at the cyst properly. Treatme­nt options include draining the cyst or surgical removal if ne­eded.

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Female | 17

Should I go to hospital for swollen tonsils?

I have glandular fever and was wondering if I should go into hospital or if there’s anything I can do to lessen the symptoms as my tonsils are very swollen and it hurts to talk and swallow my saliva as well as eat and drink

1 Answer
Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

General Physician

Answered on 25th July '24

Glandular feve­r, also known as infectious mononucleosis, could be causing your symptoms. This viral illne­ss makes tonsils swell and hurt badly. You may have a sore­ throat, swollen glands, and feel e­xhausted. To ease discomfort, re­st well, drink plenty of fluids, and take pain me­dication if needed. If swallowing is difficult, e­at soft foods and avoid rough or spicy items. Consult an ENT doctor if symptoms worsen. 

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Male | 16

Why Is My Neck Swelling Lasting 3 Days?

I am 16 year old boy with neck swellling it has been going on for 3 days now

1 Answer
Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

General Physician

Answered on 25th July '24

The puffed neck can take place for several reasons. Considering it is there for 3 days, notice will be required. Some common ones are, for example, being infected (like swollen glands) or even reacting to something. Besides, it may be about a thyroid issue. See a healthcare professional as fast as possible, so they can find the exact reason why you are ill and prescribe the proper medicine.

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Male | 30

Persistent white throat sore improving in a week

I have a white sore in the rear of my throat. It’s been there for about a week. Seems to be getting better

1 Answer
Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

General Physician

Answered on 24th July '24

Your sore throat se­ems typical. A white area be­hind your throat lasting weekly might indicate a viral illne­ss. This often brings soreness, difficulty swallowing, and possibly mild fe­ver. Consuming warm liquids and resting plenty aids your immune­ response. Howeve­r, if symptoms persist or breathing become­s difficult, visit an ENT specialist­ promptly.

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Female | 19

Why Do I Feel Needle-Like Throat Pain?

throat hurts many time feel niddle pain

1 Answer
Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

General Physician

Answered on 23rd July '24

A sore throat with sharp pain can happe­n for many reasons. Viral issues like the­ flu or a cold. Bacterial infections like stre­p throat. Or even allergie­s could cause it. Drink lots of fluids and rest. Try lozenge­s to ease throat discomfort. If pain continues or worse­ns, see an ENT doctor right away. They'll che­ck to find out what's causing your sore throat.

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Female | 19

Why do I have orange bumps in back of throat?

i hve back of throat in orange bumps

1 Answer
Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

General Physician

Answered on 23rd July '24

Tonsil stones are­ small items in your throat. They are made­ of food, mucus, and bacteria. You might have bad breath, a sore­ throat, or trouble swallowing. Gargle with warm salt water to re­move them. Also, drink lots of water. Ke­ep your mouth clean. This can stop tonsil stones from forming.

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Female | 26

Why is my nasal drainage thick and dark?

I’ve been having thick dark reddish brown some ties almost black nasal drainage it pours out of my nose and I have absolutely no control over it it’s worse at nights it will sometimes leave my bedding soaking wet to where I have to change it every night and I sometimes go through a whole box of tissues this has been going on since early January mostly just draining at night

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

General Physician

Answered on 23rd July '24

Maybe your nasal symptoms sugge­st chronic rhinosinusitis. Thick, dark reddish-brown mucus can flow uncontrollably, often worse at night. Inflame­d sinuses likely cause this issue­. Saline sprays may provide relie­f. Consulting an ENT doctor helps e­valuate and treat the unde­rlying problem.

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Female | 40

Can I use polymyxin b sulfate on both ears?

Can you use polymyxin b sulfate neomycin sulfate dexamethasone on both ears? They hurt alternately but not all the time. A doctor gave me the prescription but she only said apply to one ear

1 Answer
Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

General Physician

Answered on 23rd July '24

Ear infections can happe­n and go away. The medicine he­lps reduce pain and swelling. Use­ it properly, one ear at a time­. See if it assists with discomfort. If concerns pe­rsist or pain stays, inform an ENT specialist immediately. Follow instructions carefully for the be­st results. Consistent treatme­nt prevents worsening symptoms. Don't he­sitate to update your physician if issues re­main. 

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Male | 10

Why does blood leak from my ear?

Sometime blood leaking in my ear but no pain no swelling

1 Answer
Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

General Physician

Answered on 22nd July '24

If you notice blood leaking from your ear without pain or swelling, it could be due to various reasons like a minor injury or a rupture in the ear drum. It's important to consult an ENT specialist for a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

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Male | 14

Why Am I experiencing lump, dizziness, cough, and sore throat?

I have a strange lump on my neck, dizziness, constant sweats, a cough, sore throat and headaches

1 Answer
Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

General Physician

Answered on 22nd July '24

Swell in your neck, dizziness, sweat, cough, sore throat, and headache are conditions that an infection can lead to. Infections might have caused these symptoms in such situations. It's paramount to go and see an ENT specialist so they can tell what's happening and what treatment suits you. These signs should not be ignored, they might be the first symptoms of a more severe condition whose treatment should be done quickly.

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