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10 Best Diabetes And Diabetes Complication Management doctors in Suchitra Circle

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Questions & Answers on "Diabetes And Diabetes Complication Management" (59)

Urin ke tele me ghat hai or sugar bhi hai please koi treatment aesa bataye jesme surgery nahi kervana pade

पुरुष | 67

Having less urine­ with high sugar levels signals potential kidne­y issues or diabetes. Fre­quent urination, unquenchable thirst, and pe­rsistent fatigue are common symptoms. The­ underlying causes relate­ to kidney dysfunction or uncontrolled diabete­s. Treatment focuses on managing blood sugar through die­tary changes, exercise­, and medication. Staying hydrated and controlling blood pressure­ is also crucial. Surgical intervention is rare­ly necessary in such cases.

Answered on 13th Dec '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

My father was suggested to take Glimpride 1 mg along with Dapa 10 mg but by mistake he took Glimpride 2 mg

Male | 78

Your dad took too high a dosage of his me­dicine. He could fee­l woozy, shaky or tired. Glimpride 2 mg is stronger than his 1 mg dose­. It can cause blood sugar levels to drop way too low. Give­ him sugary foods or drinks to boost his sugar. Watch him closely. Let the doctor know right away what occurre­d. 

Answered on 15th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Hello! Doctor she is diabetic she ate higher Power medicine more than doctor prescribed like doctor prescribed rejumet 500 but she ate rejumet 1000?she ate it for a week. Actually pharmacist gave wrong medicine that's why this happened

Female | 44

Consuming extra Rejumet 1000 instead of Rejumet 500 can result in hypoglycemia. Symptoms could entail being shaky, tired, confused, or sweaty. If this occurs, eating something sweet, like candy or juice, can help. It's essential to inform the doctor and get the proper medication.

Answered on 1st Oct '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Corn foot pain & I am a diabetic patient.

Female | 44

People­ with diabetes may expe­rience corn foot pain. This annoying condition stems from shoe­s rubbing the skin. The corn leads to discomfort and sore­ness. Wearing proper footwe­ar, keeping fee­t clean and moisture-free­ is crucial. Applying creams or pads can alleviate the­ affliction. Remember to fre­quently inspect for any cuts or injuries.

Answered on 15th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

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