Dr. Sasikala General Physician Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
General Physician
32 years of experience
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About Dr.Sasikala
Dr. Sasikala is a Doctor in Perungudi, Chennai and has an experience of 31 years in this field. Dr. Sasikala practices at Sreeram Clinic in Perungudi, Chennai. She completed MBBS from Stanley Medical College & Hospital , Chennai in 1993.
Some of the services provided by the doctor are: Fever Treatment,Infectious Disease Treatment,Hypoperfusion,Preventive Medicine and Basic First Aid etc.
Dr.Sasikala Specializations
- General Physician
Dr.Sasikala Education
- MBBS - Stanley Medical College & Hospital , Chennai
Dr.Sasikala Experience
ConsultantKamala Hospitals Salem1993 - 1995
ConsultantSreeram Clinic1995 -
Dr.Sasikala Registration
- 51877 Tamil Nadu Medical Council 1993
- Hypoperfusion
- Infectious Disease Treatment
- Fever Treatment