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Male | 31
Yes, burned eyebrows can be treated with eyebrow transplants. The procedure involves take hair follicles from some parts of your body and transplanting them in the area where your eyebrows are burnt. I advise you to please consult a reputed hair transplant surgeon for it. After proper evaluation, he will tell you whether you are eligible for eyebrow transplant or need some other treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Manas N
At 27 years of age in females, the decision to go in for hair transplantation has to be taken after a proper checkup and trichscopic examination ( microscopic evaluation of scalp along with the hair shafts ). But as an overview you can understand that hair transplant is not done in females for hair fall or generalized thinning but when the thinning has gone to the extent of visible skin showing through the thinning of the hair. Before it reaches this stage of visible loos there are other more conservative methods of treatment and therapies which can be of help and should be tried first. In case the loss is to the extent that at places skin is visible more esp at the place of parting or the front or the middle portion of the head then it is an indication to go for hair transplantation in females.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Mohit Srivastava
Male | 18
Hair loss is something that can happen due to several factors. However, the main reasons for this occurrence are the intensity of the hair, the distribution of hairs, the underlying disorders, and genetics. A few symptoms of hair fall include either a bigger size comb or more hair on your clothes that are normally covered in hair and thinning of hair. Assess your diet and get enough rest. Be gentle on your hair using soft hair care products and don't do tight hairstyles. If the problem progresses then ask a dermatologist for help.
Answered on 24th July '24
Dr. Archit Aggarwal
Female | 31
Yes.. we have routinely operated many PCOS females facing hair loss issues with great results.
Although it's important to note that the hair transplant procedure and the PCOS treatment should go hand in hand to give you the desired result.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Vikas Panthri
Male | 32
Hair transplant is one of the most effective and commonly chosen options for addressing baldness in the crown area of the scalp. Whether it is the right option for you depends on various factors, including your individual circumstances, preferences, and the extent of your hair loss. Talk to a hair transplant surgeon in your area. You can also opt for non-surgical options for managing hair loss in the crown area, such as medications or low-level laser therapy.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Ashish Khare
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