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Slip Disc Surgery Cost in India Updated 2023

Lowest Cost (approx) $750

Average Cost (approx) $3300

Highest Cost (approx) $5588

  • Treatment type : Slip-Disc Surgery
  • Treatment time : 1 hr
  • reaovery time : 4 weeks
  • Hospitalization days : 24hrs
  • Chances of recurrence : low
  • Success rate : 80 - 84%

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If you are considering slip disc surgery in India, you must be wondering how much it will cost. The cost is based on the severity and the type of case it is. The minimum slip disc surgery cost in India starts from Rs. 60,000/-

A Slip-disc is a severe condition that forces individuals to struggle in their daily lives. Fortunately, there are ways to manage your slipped-disc problem more effectively than ever imagined. Your doctor may recommend a slip-disc surgery if the symptoms last more than six weeks. In this article, we have discussed everything you need to know about slip-disc surgery costs in India. So make sure you take advantage of it!

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How Much Does Slip Disc Surgery Cost in India?

There are 33 bones in the spine of a human. These bones are protected by discs. Each disc has a jelly-like interior and a rigid outer ring. When the inner portion of the disc pokes out of the outer ring, it is called a herniated or Slipped-Disc. A Slip-Disc surgery removes the disc's inner portion bulging out of the outer ring.

A slip-disc surgery cost in India is expected to be $750 (Rs. 61,223) - $5588 (Rs. 4,56,154). The cost will vary depending on the severity of the case and the type of surgery. The herniated disc surgery cost in India are considered meager when compared with most other countries.

Don’t believe it? Continue reading to find out!

How Much Does Slip Disc Surgery Cost in Different Countries?

The table below compares the slip-disc surgery costs in India with other countries:

India$750 - $5588
US$20000 - $50000
UK$5670 - $20000
Germany$9750 - $16600
Turkey$2800 - $25000

Disclaimer: The costs mentioned above are estimates only. Actual prices may differ depending on several factors. We have discussed them below; continue reading to learn more!

Types of Slip Disc Surgeries and their Costs in India

Given below are some of the major surgeries performed to treat Slipped-Discs. We have summarized them and their costs in India, so don't miss out!

Microdiscectomy: In this method, the surgeon will cut the back of the patient. The surgeon then will remove the poked-out disc from the spine through the cut. It is a minimally invasive procedure.

Microdiscectomy cost in India is estimated at around $5400.

Laminectomy: This process involves removing a small portion of bones from the spine. It aims at relieving pressure by creating more space in the spinal canal.

The cost of Laminectomy is expected at $5000.

Spinal Fusion: This procedure aims at joining two or more vertebrae to immobilize a particular portion of the spine permanently. The average Spinal Fusion cost in India is $5200 approximately.

The type of surgery may particularly determine the cost. However, several other factors influence the Herniated Disc surgery costs in India and elsewhere! We have discussed them below, so don't miss out!

Factors Affecting the Cost of Slip Disc Surgery

Type of Surgery:

Certain types of surgery will cost more than others. For instance, the price of a Microdiscectomy is usually higher than Laminectomy.

Surgeon's Qualifications: Reputed surgeons with a high amount of experience will most likely charge higher.

The Severity of the Case: Sometimes, it becomes complicated to perform surgery under normal circumstances. In such cases, the surgery cost will be higher than usual.

Hospital Charges: Hospitals with the best facilities that are highly recognized for this kind of surgery will charge more than others.

Other Details

Why Should You Choose India For Slip Disc Surgery?

Cost-effective: Compared to other countries, India has significantly lowered costs. While the average Slip-Disc surgery cost in India is around $3,300, it can cost up to $50,000 in the US. 

Great surgeons: This procedure is practiced by well-trained Indian surgeons. They are experts in Slip-Disc surgery.

Excellent infrastructure: India has world-class hospitals where you can have Slip-Disc surgery. These hospitals have first-rate facilities and offer their patients top-notch medical services.

Brilliant post-surgery care: Patients in the top Indian hospitals receive outstanding post-surgery care. You can make a complete recovery in less than the expected time.


Disclaimer : The above rates are for reference purpose only and may vary based on different requirements. To know actual rates, please contact us.

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Questions & Answers on "Spine Surgery" (10)

I am 69 years old female. Since 2-3weeks I was having pain in right pelvic region and slight low backache.. Other than that I had no any symptoms…I had significant weight loss but didn’t care about it much…10 days back I underwent MRI Lumbo-sacral spine with TIM which showed partial collapse of L1 vertebra showing heterogenous altered signal intensity with in an ill-defined lobulated lesion in right half of body of L1 vertebra suggestive of either being neoplastic or infective..Then I underwent PET-CECT which showed Hypermetabolic lesion involving almost entire caudate lobe of liver suggestive of primary liver malignancy i.e.Hepatocellular carcinoma and hypermetabolic metastatic purely lytic lesion with large soft tissue component in L1 vertebra… I never had alcohol or any HBV or HCV infection nor I am obese..And spinal metastatis is very rare from liver…Please give your expert opinion regarding this case.. what may be the cause and what investigations should I need to do further? Also please tell me about the treatment options I could have

Female | 69

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Are the only options. As being metastatic it's stage 4 ca

Answered on 31st July '24

Dr. Rakesh Kumar  G R

Dr. Rakesh Kumar G R

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Dr. Pramod Bhor

My father is suffering from spinal neck pain tinitus

Male | 51

Kindly get an MRI cervical spine and carotid Doppler to rule out vessels involvement

Answered on 5th Aug '24

Dr. Rakesh Kumar  G R

Dr. Rakesh Kumar G R

I have a back pain down on my spine

Male | 18 years

First start back stretches. Daily. Being at 18 yrs there should only be a muscle spasm. Have a lot of water.

Answered on 5th Aug '24

Dr. Rakesh Kumar  G R

Dr. Rakesh Kumar G R

Findings: Spastic straightening of the cervical spine. L3-4 and L2-3 broad-based disc bulge indenting the thecal sac encroaching upon both lateral recesses mildly compromising the inferior aspect of the neural foramina effects accentuated by posterior elements hypertrophies and short lamina. L4-5 broad-based disc bulge indenting the thecal sac which upon both lateral recesses comprising the neural foramina bilaterally. L5-S1 broad-based disc bulge encroaching upon both lateral recesses compromising the inferior aspect of the neural foramina Rest of scanned discs show no significant disc protrusions or foraminal compromise. Normal MR appearance of spinal cord and bone marrow signal intensity. No other abnormality seen. Impression: Multilevel spinal canal stenosis and bilateral neural compromise between L3-4 to L5-S1 and to lesser extent L2-3 with effects accentuated by bilateral posterior elements hypertrophies, short lamina and possibly mild epidural lipomatosis

Male | 50

You have a condition calle­d spinal canal stenosis. This means the space­ around your spinal cord is narrow. The narrowing puts pressure on the­ nerves in your spine. This can le­ad to leg pain, numbness or weakne­ss. Aging and regular use of the spine­ cause wear and tear. Tre­atment options include physical therapy e­xercises, medications, or surge­ry in severe case­s.

Answered on 6th Aug '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

My mother in law has been suffering from Moderate to severe spinal canal stenosis is noted resulting in crowding of cauda equina nerve roots.

Female | 56

Her spinal canal stenosis indicates that the area her spinal cord passes is becoming narrower. The compression may in turn apply force to the nerves that run down her legs, and consequently, she may have pain, weakness, or even numbness. Depending on the specific case, treatment may involve physical therapy, medications for pain, or in rare cases, surgery to relieve the pressure on the nerves.

Answered on 10th Oct '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

after spine surgery T2 to T4 patient got paraplegia what to do after to recover

Female | 76

Paraplegia is a lack of le­g movement. It can come from surge­ry issues. Immediately talk to the­ surgical team. They'll check what cause­d it, suggest recovery he­lp.

Answered on 5th Aug '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

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