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10 Best Pediatric Cardiologists in Noida

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Dr. Smita Mishra Pediatric Cardiologist

Dr. Smita Mishra

Pediatric Cardiologist

38 years of experience

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Dr. Rajesh Sharma Pediatric Cardiologist

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Dr. Ashutosh Marwah Pediatric Cardiologist

Dr. Ashutosh Marwah

Pediatric Cardiologist

27 years of experience

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Dr. Vishal K Singh Pediatric Cardiologist

Dr. Vishal K Singh

Pediatric Cardiologist

22 years of experience

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Questions & Answers on "Pediatric Cardiologist" (14)

Both nose are blocked continuously allergy singing,rine nose, headache etc

Female | 30

Heart surgery in children may result from various factors such as congenital heart defects, infections and respiratory problems. Timely consultation with a pediatric cardiologist is key to proper evaluation and management. Late access to medical care may lead to complications.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Bhaskar Semitha

Dr. Bhaskar Semitha

I have pregnancy of 23 weeks , after anomaly scan it was found that baby have right renal dysplasia and perimembranous vsd of 2mm ... What will be the chances that we have to conduct heart surgery of baby and how much risk is involved

Female | 29

A 2mm perimembranous VSD refe­rs to a tiny opening in the­ heart. Whereas, right re­nal dysplasia signifies improper formation of the right kidne­y. Occasionally, the hole might naturally close as the­ baby develops further. Howe­ver, if it persists, surgical interve­ntion may be neede­d once the baby grows older. The­ likelihood of surgery depe­nds upon the baby's progress over time­. Ensure regular follow-ups with your doctor to provide optimal care­ for your baby.

Answered on 25th June '24

Dr. Bhaskar Semitha

Dr. Bhaskar Semitha

I am 21 week 5 day pregnant I have done my scan In that they are saying baby has heart problem Aorta is leftsided while ductus apper bifid formation U shaped loop around the treachea ?

Female | 28

Your baby unfortunately has a double aortic arch, which is a makeup of his heart and vessels. It means the aorta, a major blood vessel, does not take its usual path. That is why children may have trouble breathing and difficulty swallowing. The good news is that this can be treated with surgery performed after the baby is born for most of the children. Doctors will talk more about what that means and guide you through it.

Answered on 5th July '24

Dr. Bhaskar Semitha

Dr. Bhaskar Semitha

My 12 year old boy complaining with chest pain and not gaining weight and very lean

Male | 12

Your 12-year-old boy's chest pain and poor weight gain complaint can be alarming. You should consult a pediatrician who specializes in cardiology to assess pain in the chest as well as see a pediatrician or pediatric endocrinologist who can address his weight and growth issues.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Bhaskar Semitha

Dr. Bhaskar Semitha

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