Male | 32
It could be because you’re stressed, anxious, tired, or having blood circulation problems. Smoking, being overweight, or taking some medications could also cause this. To deal with it, try to relax more often, sleep well every night, stay fit and healthy, and don’t smoke. If none of these works for you, talk to your urologist about what could help.
Answered on 4th June '24
Dr. Inderjeet Gautam
Female | 22
When you stop, your body can heal itself, and the hormones can come back to balance on their own. Masturbating on the upper lips of the vagina is okay. Night falls twice a month are normal and not dangerous. It's your body's way of getting rid of excess fluid.
Answered on 27th Aug '24
Dr. Madhu Sudan
Female | 22
The abnormal areas may manifest as sores, difficult discharge, pain, & itching of the private parts. These STDs are caused by bacteria or viruses that are transmitted through sexual intercourse. In case you think you might have an STD, you should go to a doctor to get tested and treated. Also, you should always protect yourself by practicing safe sex.
Answered on 11th Oct '24
Dr. Madhu Sudan
Male | 25
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Arun Kumar
Male | 32
It seems you're having trouble getting an erection. This is a common problem, also known as erectile dysfunction (ED). Stress, anxiety or even conditions such as diabetes may lead to it. Relaxing more, eating better and doing regular exercise can help make your penis harder. If this doesn’t work though, then please see a sexologist who will be able to provide further advice on what steps you should take next.
Answered on 30th May '24
Dr. Madhu Sudan
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