Female | 20
You should visit a psychiatrist or even a psychologist trained on mental health. While masturbation does serve to offer a short-term release, it is not necessarily an effective cure for depression.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
Male | 27
He is at risk of developing OCD or schizophrenia. OCD involves unwanted thoughts and fears that lead to repetitive actions, such as excessive cleaning or organizing. Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that distorts thoughts, feelings, and behavior, with symptoms like hearing voices or having delusions. Both conditions can be influenced by genetics and environment. OCD is typically treated with therapy and medications, while schizophrenia treatment often includes antipsychotic medications and therapy. It's important to encourage your brother to see his psychiatrist for a check-up and discuss the best treatment options for his symptoms.
Answered on 1st Aug '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
Female | 26
Coping with such a situation can be incredibly challenging, and it's normal to feel overwhelmed, sad, and exhausted. It's essential to prioritize your mental and emotional well being during this trying period. Seek professional help, consider reaching out to a mental health professional, such as a therapist, counselor, or psychologist..
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
Female | 43
Drinking warm milk before sleeping is usually okay for people taking antidepressant medicines. Milk has tryptophan, a substance that helps make serotonin. Serotonin is a chemical that aids sleep. However, some individuals may get stomach problems or gas from warm milk. If you don't experience these issues, a glass of warm milk at night is generally fine. Ensure it doesn't interact badly with your medications.
Answered on 25th July '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
Female | 21
Feeling down and having trouble sleeping are common signs of depression. Other symptoms include feeling worthless, low energy, changes in appetite, and difficulty concentrating. The causes are a mix of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. Talking to a psychiatrist or counselor can provide helpful support and advice. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and good sleep habits can improve your overall health.
Answered on 31st July '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
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