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Post-Op Transgender Genitalia: Recovery and Care

Explore post-operative care for transgender genitalia surgery. Learn about recovery, potential complications, and lifestyle adjustments for optimal healing and well-being.

  • Transgender Surgery

By Shreya Sanas

3rd Jan '23



Choosing to undergo gender affirmation surgery is like embarking on a deeply personal and life-changing journey. It's for those who feel that their body doesn't reflect who they truly are on the inside – those identifying as transgender or non-binary. Imagine this: it's like finally getting the chance to look in the mirror and see the real 'you.' But it's not a one-size-fits-all decision. Each person's journey is different, with surgeries tailored to what feels right for them.

Now, this isn't a decision to be taken lightly. It's super important to chat with a doctor who really gets the ins and outs of transgender health. 

Let's take a look at all the procedures.

MTF Transgender Genital Procedures

There are several types of genital surgery that may be performed on transgender individuals who are transitioning from male to female (MTF), also known as gender confirmation surgery or gender reassignment surgery

Post-operative trans women have undergone gender-affirming surgery, which involves the creation of a neovagina. This surgical procedure is complex and requires significant healing time. After the surgery, the patient must follow a strict dilation regimen to maintain the depth and width of the neovagina.

These procedures are designed to alter the physical appearance and function of the genitalia to match the individual's gender identity.

Some common MTF genital surgery procedures include:


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FTM Transgender Genital Surgery

Transitioning from female to male (FTM) involves genital surgery for transgender individuals, altering the physical appearance and function of their genitalia to match their gender identity. This transformative process encompasses procedures like phalloplasty, penile transplant, etc., providing affirming options for those identifying as transgender or non-binary.

Standard FTM genital surgery procedures include:

  1. Phalloplasty: Construction of a penis using skin and tissue, potentially including a scrotum made from labial skin.
  2. Metoidioplasty: Lengthening and strengthening the clitoris, enlarged by hormone therapy, to create a small phallus.
  3. Hysterectomy and Oophorectomy: Removal of the uterus and ovaries, which may complement genital surgery as part of the overall transition.

Okay, the procedure is done!

Now, you must be anxious to know what to expect next? 

Relax! In the next 3-4 minutes you will learn everything you can expect post-op transgender genitals, including the results and recovery! 

So, let’s begin! 

What to Expect After Post Op Transgender Genitals?

What to expect?

Post op transgender genitals, patients may experience a range of physical and emotional changes, including improved body image and self-confidence, increased comfort with their gender identity, and improved sexual satisfaction.

The following are some of the things you can expect post bottom surgery or post op transgender genitals.

Post Bottom Surgery MTF

1. Vaginoplasty

Hospital stay: between 3 and 7 days

Recovery period: 4-6 weeks

Side effects: infection, bleeding, scarring, and pain

Post op Male to Female Bottom Surgery Guidelines:

  •  Avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting for the first two weeks after surgery.
  •  Avoid sexual activity, including masturbation, for at least six weeks after surgery.
  • After the first week, take short walks in the house or outdoors to help with blood circulation and reduce the risk of developing blood clots.

2. Labiaplasty

Hospital stay: 1 to 2 days

Recovery period: 7-14 days

Side effects: bruising, swelling, tenderness, and pain in the area

Post op Male to Female Bottom Surgery Guidelines:

  • Avoid strenuous activities for at least two weeks after surgery.
  • Avoid sexual activities for at least two weeks after surgery.
  • Use an ice pack to reduce swelling and discomfort.
  • Take medications as prescribed by your surgeon.
  • Apply a clean, damp cloth to the area to help with healing.
  • Keep the site clean and dry. 

3. Clitoroplasty

Hospital stay: 1 to 3 days

Recovery period: 6-8 weeks

Side effects: swelling, pain, infection, scarring, nerve damage, and changes in sexual sensation or sensitivity

Post op Male to Female Bottom Surgery Guidelines: 

  • Avoid strenuous activity, heavy lifting, and contact sports for at least four weeks after surgery.
  • Avoid sexual activity, including masturbation, for at least four weeks after surgery.
  • Do not submerge the area in water for three weeks after surgery.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothing to reduce friction and irritation.
  • Clean the area with a gentle cleanser daily, followed by an antibiotic ointment.

Take the first step to recovery. Get in touch with us for your treatment.

FTM Post Bottom Surgery

1. Phalloplasty

Hospital stay: 2 to 3 days

Recovery period: 1 to 3 months

Side effects: 

  • Pain, swelling, and bruising in the areas where incisions have been made
  • infection
  • adverse reactions to anesthesia
  • blood clots, poor healing or scarring
  • urethral fistula
  • erection difficulties
  • nerve damage
  • shortening of the penis
  • loss of sensation due to nerve damage

FTM Post Op Bottom Surgery Guidelines: 

  • Keep your incision sites clean
  • avoid sexual activity
  • follow a healthy diet, etc.

2. Metoidioplasty

Hospital stay: 1 to 2 days

Recovery period: 4-6 weeks

Side effects: 

  • Swelling of the clitoris and labia
  • bleeding and bruising at the surgical site
  • pain, and discomfort in the genital area
  • infection of the incision site
  • damage to the surrounding tissue 
  • numbness in the genital area
  • scarring, 
  • dyspareunia (painful intercourse), 
  • persistent or recurrent urinary tract infections, 
  • difficulty in achieving orgasm, etc.

FTM Post Op Bottom Surgery Guidelines: 

  • Avoid straining, such as lifting, for at least six weeks after surgery.
  • Take antibiotics as prescribed to prevent infection.
  • Ice your incisions to reduce swelling.
  • Wear a jockstrap or a snug-fitting pair of briefs to support the area.
  • Keep your incisions clean and dry.

3. Hysterectomy and oophorectomy

Hospital stay: 1 to 2 days

Recovery period: 4-6 weeks

Side effects: 

  • reduced libido, 
  • decreased fertility and hormone levels, 
  • and a decrease in the production of certain hormones

FTM Post Op Bottom Surgery Guidelines: 

  • Get plenty of rest and take it easy for at least 2 weeks after your surgery.
  • Avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting for at least 6 weeks.
  • Refrain from sexual activity for 6 weeks.

Now, let’s discuss the most crucial part, that we always feel the most anxious about - ‘The Results’! 

Life Post Op Transgender Genitals

Life post op transgender surgery


MTF Bottom Surgery Post Op Results


Results and Improvements


  • The results of vaginoplasty are typically visible once the incisions have healed and the swelling has gone down. This can typically take several weeks or months.
  • The results you can see after vaginoplasty include a functional vagina, improved gender confirmation, and relief from gender dysphoria.


  • The results from labiaplasty for MTF can include altered size, shape, or symmetry of the labia to create a more aesthetically pleasing appearance, relief from discomfort or pain due to the size or shape of the labia, enhanced sexual satisfaction by reducing irritation or discomfort during sexual activity.



  • The results after clitoroplasty for MTF can include altered size, shape, or position of the clitoris to create a more aesthetically pleasing appearance, possible enhance sexual satisfaction by improving sensitivity or reducing irritation or discomfort during sexual activity, relief from discomfort or pain due to the size or shape of the clitoris.

FTM Post Op Bottom Surgery Results:


Results and Improvements


  • Phalloplasty aims to create a functional penis that allows for sexual intercourse and urination standing up.
  •  The results also include relief from gender dysphoria and improved gender confirmation.


  • Along with improved gender confirmation and relief from gender dysphoria, metoidioplasty results in a functional penis using the existing clitoris.

Hysterectomy and oophorectomy

  • The results after FTM Hysterectomy and oophorectomy can be that you will experience menopause immediately after the surgery, and you will no longer be able to become pregnant.
  • In some cases, a hysterectomy and oophorectomy may be performed to alleviate symptoms such as heavy bleeding, chronic pain, or endometriosis. In these cases, the surgery may provide significant relief from these symptoms.

Are you wondering when you will see the results? 

The specific timing of when bottom surgery results will be visible will depend on the type of surgery that is being performed. For example, with a procedure like vaginoplasty (construction of a vagina), the individual will typically need to allow several weeks or months for swelling to go down and for the incisions to heal before they can see the final results. 

With a procedure like phalloplasty (construction of a neophallus), the individual may need to wait several months or more before they can see the final results, as the neophallus will need time to heal and for tissue expansion to occur.


Now, you indeed might have the next question as “Are the results permanent?”

Well, bottom surgery results for transgender individuals are generally considered to be permanent. However, as with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of complications, and it is possible that touch-up procedures or revision surgery may be necessary in some cases. 

The specific outcome and longevity of a particular bottom surgery will depend on a number of factors, including the individual's overall health, the specific procedure that was performed, and the skill and experience of the surgeon.

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Success Rate of Transgender Genital Surgery

Success rates of transgender genital surgery

The success rate of transgender genital surgery varies and can depend on several factors, including the individual's overall health, the surgeon's experience and skill level, and the specific techniques used during the procedure.

Success Rate of MTF Transgender Genital Surgeries


Success Rate




Around 87%-90%


Around 90%

Success Rate of FTM Transgender Genital Surgeries


Success Rate





Hysterectomy and oophorectomy

Around 95%


Amazed after seeing the success rates? 

But as it is said, nothing is picture-perfect! 

At times, there may be relapses too! 

Relapse Post Op Transgender Genitals

Relapse after MTF Transgender Genital Surgeries




  • Relapse after MTF vaginoplasty is rare. However, the vagina can shrink or close up again due to scar tissue, improper healing, or lack of dilation.
  • If this happens, revision surgery may be needed. It is essential to follow all post-operative instructions, including proper dilation, to reduce the risk of relapse.



  • Relapse after MTF labiaplasty is rare. 
  • However, if it does occur, revision surgery may be necessary to correct any abnormalities that have developed.


  • Relapse after clitoroplasty is rare, but if it does occur, it is usually due to inadequate surgical technique or inadequate post-operative care.
  • Treatment usually consists of revision surgery and/or additional therapy, such as hormone therapy or psychotherapy.

Relapse after FTM Transgender Genital Surgeries




  • Relapse after phalloplasty is not common, but it can occur. 
  • Certain factors can increase the risk of relapse, such as smoking, not following post-operative instructions, and not attending follow-up appointments.


  • Relapse after FTM metoidioplasty is rare. However, if it does occur, it can be managed through hormone therapy or surgery.
  • Hormone therapy may be used to reduce or eliminate the effects of testosterone on the body, and surgery may be used to repair any tissue damage caused by the metoidioplasty.

Hysterectomy and oophorectomy

  • Relapse after FTM hysterectomy and oophorectomy is possible, although it is not shared. 
  • The best way to prevent relapse is to follow up with your healthcare provider and take any prescribed medications as directed.

But do not worry! You can prevent the relapses by following the below tips! 

Tips for better and long-term results post-op transgender genitalia surgery

There are several things that individuals who have undergone transgender genital surgery can do to help ensure the best possible outcomes and long-term results:

  • Follow your post-operative care instructions closely

It is essential to follow your surgeon's instructions for post-operative care, including any restrictions on activity, wound care, and medications.

  • Take care of your incisions

Keep them clean and dry, and avoid soaking them in water until they are fully healed. 

Avoid excessive strain on the incisions, such as heavy lifting or strenuous exercise, until your surgeon gives you the okay.

  • Practice good hygiene

Proper hygiene is important to help prevent infection and maintain good overall health. 

This may include washing the incision site with soap and water, keeping the area clean and dry, and avoiding sexual activity until your surgeon gives you the okay.

  • Take your medications as prescribed

If you have been prescribed, it is important to take them exactly as directed. Be sure to finish your entire course of antibiotics to help prevent infection.

  • Get plenty of rest


Rest is important to help your body heal after surgery. Avoid overexerting yourself and take breaks as needed.

  • Eat a healthy diet

Healthy foods

A healthy diet can help your body recover and heal quickly after surgery. Eat a well-balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and protein.

  • Stay hydrated

Stay hydrated

Drink plenty of water to help keep your body hydrated and support healing.

  • Follow up with your healthcare provider

It is essential to follow up with your healthcare provider as directed after surgery. This will allow your healthcare provider to monitor your recovery and address any concerns you may have.

It is also important to remember that every individual is different, and recovery can vary for each individual.

Hope this article has answered everything you wanted to know regarding post-op transgender genitals. 

Have more doubts? 

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Impact of Post op Transgender Genital surgery Long-term Sexual Health

The long-term sexual health impact of post-operative transgender genital surgery can be significant and varies based on the type of surgery and individual circumstances. Generally, these surgeries aim to align an individual's physical anatomy with their gender identity, which can have positive effects on psychological well-being and sexual health. 

However, outcomes such as sensation, sexual function, and satisfaction can vary. It's essential for patients to have realistic expectations and to receive comprehensive counseling on these aspects both before and after surgery. Post-operative care, including physical therapy and follow-up medical consultations, plays a crucial role in ensuring the best possible outcomes in terms of sexual health and overall quality of life.


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Question and Answers

In ftm hrt, would the physical effects be noticeable? I have family that are very conservative and am just wondering whether they will be able to notice.

Male | 15

Indeed, the physical results of FTM HRT are visible but may differ depending on an individual. It is possible also to identify some physical changes such as a deepening voice, facial and body hair growths, and redistribution of the fatty mass. It is best to consult with a gender-affirming healthcare provider who specializes in trans healthcare

Answered on 29th Jan '24

Dr. Vinod Vij

Dr. Vinod Vij

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