• All areas of healthcare services are managed by the department of internal medicine (24/7) by highly qualified certified doctors, residents, internists, and employees at Himagiri hospital. It consists of services like the Op Clinic, IP Services, a variety of procedures, lab investigations, and preventive screenings.
  • Emergency services, chronic medical conditions, and general illness are all covered by the internal medicine department at the hospital.
  • In cases of gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary disorders that result in persistent discomfort and lifestyle problems for their patients, the surgical gastroenterology department at Himagiri Hospital has offered comprehensive care and outstanding remedies.
  • The Neurosurgery & Spine department is well-equipped and offers top-notch facilities, including a neuro-microscope, C-arm system, intracranial pressure monitoring devices, and stereotactic instruments for the accurate diagnosis and management of complex neurological conditions, along with cutting-edge neuro and spine surgery suites, neuro ICU (intensive care units), and all supported by contemporary neuro-radiology and neuro-intensive care facilities at Himagiri hospital.