Male | 23
Are my CBC test results indicative of cancer?
Today I had done my cbc test and this is my result COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT (CBC) Method :- Photometry , Electrical Impedance & VCS Specimen :- EDTA Whole Blood Method :- Photometry , Electrical Impedance & VCS Specimen :- EDTA Whole Blood Method :- Photometry , Electrical Impedance & VCS Specimen :- EDTA Whole Blood Method :- Photometry , Electrical Impedance & VCS Specimen :- EDTA Whole Blood Test Name (Method , Specimen) Result Units Biological Reference Interval Haemoglobin (Photometric , EDTA) 14.7 g/dL 13 - 17 g/dl PCV (Calculated, EDTA) 43.1 % 42 - 52 % R.B.C Count (Electrical Impedence , EDTA] 4.70 M/cumm 4.50 - 6.50 M/cumm MCV (Derived from RBC, EDTA) 91.8 fL 82 - 98 fL MCH (Calculated, EDTA) 31.3 pg/cell 26 - 34 pg/cell MCHC (Calculated, EDTA) 34.0 g/dL 32 - 36 g/dL RDW (Derived from RBC, EDTA) 13.9 % 11.5 - 14.5 % TLC (Electrical Impedence , EDTA) 3,100 /cumm 4000 - 11000 /cumm Platelet Count (Electrical Impedence , EDTA] 0.97 lakh/cmm 1.40 - 4.00 lakh/cmm Mean Platelet Volume -MPV (Electrical Impedence, EDTA) 16.7 fL 7.4 - 11.4 fL Differential Leucocyte Count - DLC (VCS , EDTA whole blood) Differential Leucocyte Count - DLC (VCS , EDTA wh ole blood) Differential Leucocyte Count - DLC (VCS , EDTA wh ole blood) Differential Leucocyte Count - DLC (VCS , EDTA wh ole blood) Neutrophils 50 % 50 - 62 % Lymphocytes 40 % 25 - 40 % Monocytes 08 % 3 - 7 % Eosinophils 02 % 0 - 3 % Basophils 00 % 0 - 1 % Absolute Leucocytes Count ** Absolute Neutrophils Count . 1,550 /mm3 3000 - 7000 /mm3 Absolute Lymphocyte Count . 1,240 /mm3 1500 - 4000 /mm3 Absolute Monocytes Count 248 /mm3 100 - 500 /mm3 Absolute Eosinophils Count . 62 /mm3 0 - 700 /mm3 Absolute Basophils Count 00 /mm3 15 - 50 /mm3 N-RBC 00 /100Wbc's .. RESULT RECHECKED Kindly correlate with clinical find ings. RESULT RECHECKED Kindly correlate with clinical find ings. RESULT RECHECKED Kindly correlate with clinical find ings. End of Report Plz tell me my my levels high and low in this is this cancer and platelet size also increased

General Physician
Answered on 23rd Nov '24
The results of your blood test are nearly within the normal limits. You have a low platelet count, which can be caused by different factors including infections or drugs. Equivalent mean platelet volume does not suggest cancer. It could perhaps be indicative of disorders like platelet destruction. If you do feel difficulties such as abnormal bleeding or bruises, do consult a hematologist.
2 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Hematology" (220)
posterior cervical lymphadenopathy is written on my file , i have lump on my neck , felt when pressed , i am on antibiotics from 5 days , still its there and not going away . what are chances that its cancerous ?
Female | 22
You lump your neck, and the term "posterior cervical lymphadenopathy" is in your file. It signifies the presence of a swollen lymph node. There can be many causes for this, and infections are the most common ones. But for our safety, we should explore every option including cancer. The doctor should do a thorough check-up because the lump doesn't go away even after antibiotics. They may recommend additional tests like a biopsy to identify the cause. Yet, remember, often it can still be because of non-cancerous reasons.
Answered on 30th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel
I experienced blood stain with my sperm is it anything to worry...
Male | 38
Sometimes, it could happen due to harmless things like some activities or infections. Alternatively, it may more severe conditions such as inflammation or injury. Visit a healthcare professional who will help you find out what is causing this problem and offer you appropriate treatment. Delaying is dangerous, so don’t wait until it becomes worse.
Answered on 3rd Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel
hello i want to check it my blood report resurlt any one can help for this
Male | 31
It's essential to review your blood report with a healthcare professional to understand your results accurately. Please visit a general physician for a detailed interpretation and appropriate advice based on your condition.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel
10:48 Investigation Observed Values HAEMATOLOGY Units Blological Ref. Interval Complete Blood Count Haemoglobin 12.2 Total Leucocyte Count (TLC) 14700 gm/dL cells/mm² 12-16.5 Differential % Leucocyte Counts: Granulocytes 71.6 % 40-75 Lymphocytes 23.1 % 20-45 Mid Cell 5.3 % 1-6 Platelet Count 2.07 Lac cells/mm² 150000-400000 LPCR 22.2 % 13.0-43.0 MPV 9.1 fl. 1.47-7.4 PDW 12.1 % 10.0-17.0 PCT 0.19 & 0.15-0.62 Total RBCs MCV (Mean Cell Volume) 4.17 Million cells/uL 4-4.5 72.7 fl. 80-100 MCH (Mean Corpus. Haemoglobin) 29.4 pg 27-32 MCHC (Mean Corpus. Hb Conc.) 40.4 g/dl 32-35 HCT (hematocrit) 30.3 RDWA RDWR 40.4 11 % fL 36-46 37.0-54.0 % 11.5-14.5
Female | 48
According to the blood test results you provided, the total white blood cell (TLC) count is above the norm, which may be indicative of an infection or inflammation in the body. High TLC may come with symptoms like fever, fatigue, and coolness of the body. To deal with this problem, it is necessary to find the primary cause of the increased TLC level by conducting more tests and getting a doctor's opinion for suitable treatment.
Answered on 8th Aug '24

Dr. Babita Goel
Sir I have done Elisa for both antibody and antoge at 42 days which means 6 week … it is a protected sex for 5 min … I am anxious … my doctor told no need to worry .. it’s good result … I want ur opinion about that … that’s y I messeged you sir… actually that partner is also hiv negative at 22 days … but my anxiety said that she has hiv she had …
Male | 27
It is good that your ELISA test results at 42 days are negative, and your partner also tested negative at 22 days. Since you have protected sex, the risk of HIV transmission is very low. However, for your peace of mind, you should follow up with your doctor. Consulting a specialist in infectious diseases can help address your anxiety and provide further reassurance.
Answered on 10th July '24

Dr. Babita Goel
I am 18yrs gender is female....I have so many dizziness and I was test my haemoglobin and it's is 18.6 is this high or low
Female | 18
A hemoglobin level of 18.6 is already a high value. This may be what is behind your dizziness. In addition, high hemoglobin can also result in headaches and red skin. It might be dehydration, lung diseases, or heart problems. To decrease hemoglobin levels, drink more water, refrain from smoking, and work out regularly. Iron-rich foods such as broccoli and beans can also help.
Answered on 18th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel
I have sickle cell. Feeling headache and stomach. I'm vomiting greensh yellow
Male | 6
You might have a sickle cell crisis happening. Sickle-shaped blood cells can clog vessels, blocking oxygen. Headaches, stomach pains, and vomiting signal this crisis. If vomit's green or yellow, it's bile from your stomach. Head to the hospital for treatment.
Answered on 25th July '24

Dr. Babita Goel
I'm an 18 year old female who thinks she may have Raynaud's? These are my symptoms. ### Raynaud’s Phenomenon: - **Fingers and Hands**: - Frequent color changes in response to cold, stress, or pressure: fingers turning white/yellow, blue/purple, and red during rewarming. - Numbness, pain, and stiffness, especially in cold water or when exposed to cold air. - Fingernails occasionally turn blue, particularly when nervous. - Fingers often go white under light pressure, but color returns after. - Red, painful, and numb fingers, especially when handling cold objects or after cold exposure. - Hands sometimes go pale/white in cold water, with visible blue veins. When they warm up it can feel tingly and intense heat and sometimes burning and uncomfortableness. - Ridges and a light white color underneath fingernails. - A small cut on your hand is taking longer than usual to heal. But cuts in general too. - **Feet and Toes**: - Feet often turn purple or blue when sitting still for long periods, especially without socks. - Numbness and coldness in feet, particularly when standing still or exposed to cold. - Toes sometimes appear weirdly purple/light blue/gray after cold exposure. - Difficulty standing and walking due to numbness and pain in feet, particularly in cold environments. - **General Cold Sensitivity**: - Need to wear multiple layers and use hot water bottles/heat packs to stay warm, especially at night or when sitting still. - Lips sometimes turn blue or darken when cold, especially during Raynaud’s attacks. - Occasional episodes of feeling cold despite being in a warm environment. - **Pain and Discomfort**: - Discomfort in hands and feet during cold exposure, sometimes making it difficult to perform tasks or move. ### Recent Observations: - **Improvement**: - Hands have been warmer than usual recently, with fewer Raynaud’s attacks. - **Persistent Issues**: - A cut on your hand that is slow to heal, potentially due to reduced blood circulation. - Ongoing need to protect hands and feet from cold to prevent Raynaud’s attacks.
Female | 18
It appears like you have Raynaud's Phenomenon. The condition makes your fingers and toes to change color, cause the cold and numb feeling, particularly, when you are exposed to cold or stress. This is due to blood vessels in your extremities overreacting to these triggers, thus, decreasing blood flow. The best way to do this is to wear warm clothes, gloves, and socks, and also avoid the cold that triggers such episodes.
Answered on 22nd Aug '24

Dr. Babita Goel
I am 25 years old male, I am taking PEP medication for 25 days and had another exposure today, do I have to extend my PEP?
Male | 25
If you're already on PEP medication and had another exposure, it's important to let your healthcare provider know. They will, however, determine whether you require additional PEP treatment. Sometimes symptoms of HIV can take a while to develop, therefore it is better to be safe than sorry. PEP treatment assists in reducing the chances of acquiring HIV, nevertheless, it is still preferable to consult with your doctor to ensure that you are following the correct plan.
Answered on 16th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel
One person has a cut on his hand . It was bleeding. I ate food from his hand. If that person is hiv positive. Does it transfer to me??
Female | 48
HIV is primarily transferred through some body fluids like blood. If someone with a cut on their hand eats saliva-containing food, the saliva does not carry enough virus to infect you. Being cautious will make sure to see out for symptoms include flu-like illness and talk to your doctor if you are concerned.
Answered on 16th July '24

Dr. Babita Goel
I would like to have my blood test result be explained to me. Thank you
Female | 60
One of the crucial parts of your well-being is your capability to interpret blood analyses. Usually, these outcomes are the source of several pieces of information, among them vitamin amounts, the equilibrium of hormones, as well as signs of inflammation and infection. Disorders like chronic discomfort, tiredness, and weakness can be regarded as typical consequences of a certain hormonal imbalance. Discrepancies, on the other hand, might come from a wide range of reasons including poor nutrient intake through cardiology to some internal blockage. It’s the duty of the doctor to enumerate the results which patients require to be aware of and to advise them according to their particular situation.
Answered on 16th Dec '24

Dr. Babita Goel
I want to ask about how can hiv be transmitted
Male | 22
HIV is a virus that might be passed from one person to another via specific body fluids such as blood, sex organs secretions, the fluid of the vagina, as well as breast milk. It is primarily transmitted through unprotected sexual activity, sharing of needles as well as mother-to-child transmission during pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding. Symptoms may not appear for some time but can manifest as flu-like sickness. Wearing condoms and not sharing needles are the biggest ways to fight HIV. If you are worried about it, it is wise to get tested.
Answered on 16th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel
Some time ago I tested my blood my hemoglobin was 6 and everything was low as biological figure so what actually it is
Female | 25
A hemoglobin level of 6 indicates severe anemia, which may lead to symptoms like fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath. Common causes include nutritional deficiencies, chronic diseases, or blood loss. It’s vital to address this condition through proper evaluation and treatment. Increasing iron-rich foods and supplements can help, but only under a doctor's supervision. I recommend consulting a hematologist for personalized guidance and treatment options tailored to your needs.
Answered on 15th Jan '25

Dr. Babita Goel
I am 20F. Since May, I started a new job in May (retail part time as a student). I've been having nosebleeds since then. During summer it was worse when i was working many many hrs, where it happened alongside dizziness and headaches. Its recently happening again on and off since May- sometimes due to stress and dehydration , dust, allergies and the flu (dont know exact cause). It always come from one nostril.
Female | 20
Nosebleeds happen, especially with stress, lack of fluids, or breathing in dust and allergens. One nostril bleeding is usually no biggie. Try drinking more water, avoiding dusty spaces, and using a humidifier. But if it won't quit, best to have a doctor check it.
Answered on 5th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel
I had a blood transfusion due to which the body has become inflamed
Female | 21
Having inflammation after a blood transfusion is one possibility, as your body might reject the new blood. Some of the symptoms are swelling, redness, or warmth. The reaction to the allergy or the mild side effect could be a reason. It is vital to watch over your symptoms closely. The best things to do are drinking plenty of liquids and resting. Yet, if inflammation continues or gets worse, you might want to notify your healthcare provider, who can give you your own advice and treatment.
Answered on 3rd Jan '25

Dr. Babita Goel
I'male 38 I'm always tried I also always feel sick and I'm having night sweats I have headache everyday
Male | 38
Being tired all the time, getting sick a lot, night sweats, and daily headaches can be hard to deal with. These signs might be caused by different things such as infections, hormonal imbalances, or other medical problems. You need to see a doctor who will be able to find out what is wrong and give you the right treatment so that you can start feeling better.
Answered on 11th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel
Hi good day I'm a male 36 years from Philippines I have a question regarding of my HIV symptoms My first encounter is last February 17 and I check a rapid test kit It was negative. But suddenly after 2 hours it show faded And after that I cannot sleep properly and there is a time on April 15 2024 I make a blood test in hospital 56 days after exposure Antigen and anti body test And thanks God it's negative And I buy again test kit 3 PCs For June July and Sept each month all test negative But this October I have rashes Red dot And hot sensation in my body in chest and back top and lower and my I feel my breath short And looking in Google That's why I feel uneasy again Please help me to elaborate my feeling Im afraid But I'm still believe everything will be alright and it must be negative
Male | 36
The symptoms you mention - rashes, red dots, hot sensation, and shortness of breath - may be caused by various reasons other than HIV. For instance, stress and anxiety are also potential causes of these symptoms. To be sure, you can ask a doctor.
Answered on 8th Oct '24

Dr. Babita Goel
I have 16 pea sized lymph nodes I am 57kg my height is 5ft 10 I’ve had them for almost 2 years and they haven’t got bigger or changed I’ve had blood tests previously and they all came back fine. I do have 2 under my jaw that’s a bit bigger than a pea though. Is it a concern? I have no symptoms except bad anxiety. I am highly afraid of cancers
Male | 17
Your lymph nodes not changing size or growing for two years is good. When it comes to cancer we tend to worry a lot due to anxiety. They might remain slightly enlarged sometimes. It’s usually benign but it would be prudent to get the larger ones checked by your doctor. Additionally, work on calming down your nerves because that can also be of help.
Answered on 13th Dec '24

Dr. Babita Goel
My daughter is a e-beta thelassemia patient what I can do now
Female | 0
E-beta thalassemia is a blood disorder affecting your daughter. This condition causes fatigue, paleness, and growth challenges. The problem? Her body struggles to produce healthy red blood cells. But there's good news! Seeing a hematologist can provide solutions. They may recommend blood transfusions or medications to improve her symptoms and overall health. Regular check-ups and following the doctor's orders diligently are crucial.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel
I am 52 years old and after I received my blood test report it's microfilaria positive..would you please suggest few medicines?
Male | 52
Microfilaria are the tiny worms that transmit malaria by mosquito bites. Often, the signs of sickness are fever, skin itching, and fatigue. Skin itching, fever, and fatigue are some of the most common signs of the disease. The primary medicine used for the treatment of microfilaria is the drug diethylcarbamazine (DEC) or ivermectin. These drugs aid the body's worm destruction. However, I strongly advise you to consult a hematologist about the exact dosage and duration of treatment.
Answered on 18th Nov '24

Dr. Babita Goel
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