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when can you kiss after rhinoplasty?

When can you kiss after rhinoplasty?

Dr. Urvashi Chandra's profile picture

Dr. Urvashi Chandra


18 years of experience

Answered on 11th Jan '24

It is usually advised not to kiss for a few weeks so that there can be proper healing and the risk of infection will also reduce. Introducing bacteria to the nose, during early recovery might also disrupt healing. Your surgeon will give you detailed postoperative care instructions. Following these guidelines will help ensure a smooth recovery and the best results coming from nose surgery. If you have any concerns or questions, contact your doctor to get advice related specifically to your situation.

Dr. Deepesh Goyal's profile picture

Dr. Deepesh Goyal

Aesthetic Medicine

17 years of experience

Answered on 6th Dec '23

Initially, your nose is likely to be sensitive, swollen, and delicate. Avoid any activities that could put pressure on or disturb the healing nose, including kissing. Follow your surgeon's instructions closely during this critical early phase. Even after the initial week, be cautious with activities that involve movement or pressure around the nose. 

Dr. Vinod Vij's profile picture

Dr. Vinod Vij

Plastic Surgeon

37 years of experience

Answered on 6th Dec '23

In the first week after rhinoplasty, avoid such activities that involve forceful activities. During the subsequent weeks, as the initial swelling subsides and the tissues start to stabilize, patients can gradually resume more normal activities. But it should be discussed with your surgeon.

Dr. Lalit Agrawal's profile picture

Dr. Lalit Agrawal

Plastic Surgeon

15 years of experience

Answered on 5th Aug '22

it depends how much work has been done on your nose. if bony work has been done then u should avoid hitting your nose for atleast 4-6 weeks. however if only cartilage work has been done then after 2 weeks also u can resume your normal routine.  

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