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when does transplanted hair thicken?

When does transplanted hair thicken?

Dr. Urvashi Chandra's profile picture

Dr. Urvashi Chandra


18 years of experience

Answered on 18th Jan '24

After the procedure, transplanted hair usually begins to thicken and mature within 6-12 months. However, individual results can vary. Follow up with your hair transplant surgeon for individual guidance and track the success of your transplant.


Samruddhi Bhartiya

Member of team ClinicSpots.

Answered on 24th Aug '22

Post hair transplant surgery, the transplanted hair goes through multiple phases and is observed to be thinner in the initial stages.

The transplanted hair thickens 6 to 9 months after hair transplant surgery, also known as the "hair busting phase."

At this stage, your transplanted hair follicles will grow at the same rate and pace as your older follicles.

However, in this stage, you are only seeing a drastic change in your growth. Final results will take a year to a year and a half to show up.


We have a detailed list of hair transplant surgeons in India as well as Turkey for further consultations and suggestions. Reach out to us if you need our assistance!

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