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Stem Cell Treatment for Ataxia: New Hope For Ataxia Patients

Explore the potential of stem cell treatment for ataxia. Discover innovative therapies, personalized approaches, and promising advancements in neurological care. Prioritize your health with cutting-edge solutions for ataxia management.

  • Neurology
  • Stem Cell

By Shalini Jadhvani

12th Dec '22

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Welcome to our discussion on Stem Cell Treatment for Ataxia. This condition affects both children and adults, with about 26 out of 100,000 children experiencing it. Unfortunately, there's no cure yet, and current medicines don't do much to slow down the symptoms. But there's new hope on the horizon. A fresh treatment approach, using stem cells, has shown real promise in turning around the symptoms of ataxia. Are you interested? Keep reading to learn more about this exciting development in treating a challenging neurological condition.

Ataxia is a degenerative disease of the nervous system that is caused by damage to the cerebellum. 

It has three major causes:

Vitamin deficiency

Some symptoms of this condition are:

Lack of coordination

  • Slurred speech
  • Lack of coordination
  • Trouble eating and swallowing
  • Gait abnormalities
  • Deterioration of fine motor skills

There are several types of ataxia, which can be broadly classified as:

  • Cerebellar ataxia
  • Sensory ataxia
  • Vestibular ataxia

To diagnose this condition, your neurologist will first take a detailed medical history, followed by a thorough neurological examination.

Stem Cell Treatment for Ataxia

Is this the first time you’ve heard about stem cells? 

Stem cells

Stem cells are immature cells found in our bodies that can differentiate into any tissue.

These stem cells are found in several parts of our bodies including our bone marrow, adipose tissue, and even our circulating blood.

Bone marrow-derived stem cells are usually used to treat ataxia. A few studies have also used umbilical stem cells for this purpose successfully. 

In most cases, researchers prefer to use the patient’s stem cells. However, in a few select cases of degenerative causes, donor stem cells are preferred.

It should be noted here that stem cell therapy is still undergoing clinical trials and is not yet approved by the FDA.

Stem Cell Therapy for Ataxia Clinical Trials

Clinical trials

Several stem cell ataxia trials are currently underway around the world. Since they are fairly new, the available data is not yet collated properly.

One research paper by Yun-An Tsai et al reviewed numerous trials. They concluded that larger randomized trials are still required to study the long-term effects of stem cell therapy for ataxia, but it is still a very promising treatment.

They also believe stem cell treatment has the potential to cure ataxia one day. Additionally, they stated that this procedure is safe and no patients showed any side effects.

Participate in our Stem Cell Therapy for Ataxia Clinical Trials. Explore innovative treatments today.

Does Stem Cell for Ataxia Work?

The short answer is yes, it does.

Curious to know how it works. 

Well, stem cells have many beneficial properties which can treat ataxia:

  • Neurotrophic benefits: Stem cells can repair and regenerate new nerve cells. They also re-establish damaged nerve connections, improving coordination.
  • Anti-inflammatory benefits: Stem cells produce anti-inflammatory factors, preventing the relapse of the condition.
  • Neuro-protective benefits: Stem cells protect the newly formed nerve cells and synapses, ensuring the continued improvement of ataxia symptoms.

Benefits/Risks of Stem Cell Therapy for Ataxia


Like every medical procedure, ataxia stem cell treatment also has its risks and benefits.

  • Relatively non-invasive procedure
  • Abundantly available stem cells
  • Only treatment that repairs nerve cells
  • Is a potential cure
  • Provides long-term benefits
  • Risk of infection at the site of injection
  • Possibility of graft-versus-host disease if donor cells are used
  • Possibility that the treatment might not work

Don't the benefits outweigh the risks?


Are you wondering how do you determine if you are even eligible for stem cell therapy for ataxia? 

Well, each trial has its own stringent set of requirements.

Your specialist will be the best person to explain your choices to you.

We have brought you a list of general criteria to get you started: 


  • Confirmed diagnosis of ataxia
  • No history of organ transplants
  • No acute infections 
  • You should not have a recent history of cancer or stroke
  • You shouldn’t have any conditions that can increase your risk of bleeding

Determine your eligibility today. Take charge of your health – contact us now.

Stem Cell Therapy for Different Types of Ataxia

Stem cells treat different types of ataxia differently. You see, stem cell treatment aims to treat this condition at its root cause.

Let’s see how.

Type of AtaxiaHow Stem Cell Therapy Helps
Cerebellar Ataxia
  • This is the most common type of ataxia, which affects the cerebellum
  • The stem cells repair the cerebellar nerve cells and form new ones 
  • Stem cell therapy for cerebellar ataxia helps in the improvement of speech and swallowing
  • The neuro-protective properties of stem cells also ensure that the cerebellum does not get damaged again
Sensory Ataxia
  • Our brain has a ‘self-positioning’ function
  • Basically, it helps us keep track of our body parts in space (even in the dark)
  • Stem cells repair the damaged part of the cerebellum that causes this issue
  • The anti-inflammatory properties also help prevent a relapse of this condition
Vestibular Ataxia
  • This occurs when the fine hair of the inner ear is damaged, leading to balance issues
  • The fine hair of the inner ear has poor regenerative properties
  • So far, stem cells are the only treatment that has repaired and regenerated these fine hair
  • The neuro-protective properties of stem cells also protect them from being damaged again

The procedure of Stem Cell Treatment for Ataxia


Now that you have a better idea about stem cell therapy and its usefulness, are you interested in knowing the procedure?


If you’re worried that it will be lengthy and painful, you can relax.

Spinocerebellar ataxia stem cell treatment is performed in three simple steps.

1. Extraction of stem cells
  • Growth factors are given to you or your donor two days before the procedure.
  • Bone marrow is extracted from your hip bone.
  • This procedure only takes a couple of hours.
  • It’s completely painless as you will be given local anesthesia.
2. Separation of stem cells
  • This step is done in a stem cell laboratory.
  • Your stem cells are separated from the rest of your bone marrow tissue using a technique called ‘Density Gradient Technique.’
  • The end result is a concentrated solution of stem cells.
  • This step usually takes about three to four hours.
3. Stem cell transplantation
  • The stem cells are injected intrathecally or intravenously.
  • This step is also done under local anesthesia to keep you comfortable.
  • It takes about an hour.

As you can see, the whole process can be completed in about eight to nine hours. However, doctors spread it out over two or three days to keep the patient comfortable.

In some cases, a couple of additional days of hospital stay is also required.

What to Expect After Stem Cell Therapy for Ataxia?

Well, the procedure is done. 

Are you wondering if the recovery time is very long? 


It is not. 

You can resume your daily activities one week after the procedure.

You might have a headache or nausea immediately after the procedure, but it resolves itself in a couple of hours. 

You will also be glad to know that no study has reported any long-term side effects in the past ten years. This procedure is safe.


Results of Stem Cell Therapy for Ataxia


Did you know that you can start seeing results as soon as ten days after this procedure? 


It’s true! 

Most people show results ten to forty days after the treatment.

You can expect the following improvements:

  • Improvement in coordination and balance
  • Improved fine motor function and speech
  • Increased strength of limbs
  • Overall improved quality of life

Stem cells continue forming new cells up to a year after the treatment, during which time you will see steady improvement in your condition. 

However, depending on the severity of the disease, you might require a second stem cell cycle a year later. 

Explore the results of Stem Cell Therapy for Ataxia. Take the first step to recovery – contact us for personalized treatment.

Do you know? SKYCLARYS, the first drug for Friedreich’s Ataxia, was FDA-approved on February 28th, 2023, bringing new hope in slowing the disease's progression.

Success Rate of Stem Cell for Ataxia

Success rates of stem cell treatment for ataxia

We already know there is no cure for ataxia. The success of any ataxia treatment is measured by the improvement of symptoms which are measured against various established neurological scales.

The success rate of stem cell therapy depends heavily on the severity of the condition. Stem cell treatment has a success rate of 80 to 90%. 

Yes, you read that right!

The results improve drastically in patients with milder ataxia.

Cost of Stem Cell Treatment for Ataxia

Let’s come to the most critical question now, how expensive is this treatment? 


The cost of stem cell treatment for ataxia depends heavily on several factors such as:

  • Severity of the disease
  • The type of stem cells needed
  • The number of cycles needed
  • The place and facility you choose for your treatment

In India, stem cell treatment costs 5000 to 8000 USD, with each cycle costing 2000 USD. The same treatment costs 20,000 to 30,000 USD in most European countries!

It is important to note that since this treatment is still undergoing clinical trials, it is not covered by any medical insurance companies.

Other Treatments for Ataxia used with Stem Cell Therapy

Several studies have established that the efficacy of stem cell treatment for ataxia increases multi-fold when it is combined with other treatments and therapies. 

The following treatments are most used:

  • Kinesiotherapy
  • Electrical Myostimulation
  • Interval Hypoxic-Hyperoxic Treatment
  • Transcranial electrostimulation of the brain

Present and Future Scope and Challenges of Stem Cell for Ataxia

Stem cell treatment has certainly shown a lot of potential in treating ataxia. However, several challenges remain.

According to this research paper by Yun-An Tsai et al, the biggest one is the lack of enough data on trials. Larger randomized clinical trials are required to get a better idea of the long-term effects of stem cell therapy.

There is also a lack of consensus on the mode of delivery of stem cells, and this needs to be standardized. 

Despite these challenges, stem cell treatment is the most promising treatment for a cure for ataxia today.

Do you think stem cell treatment is the right treatment for you?


Frequently Asked Questions

What diseases can be treated through stem cells?

Where will the cells be taken or sourced from?

Will stem cell therapy have any after effects?

Will there be medications and diet restrictions following stem cell therapy?

Is stem cell therapy permanent?

What precautions to take post stem cell therapy?

What’s the cost of stem cell therapy in India?

For whom is stem cell therapy recommended and beneficial?

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Question and Answers

What to do if you have problem remembering

Female | 66

If you have difficulty recalling, please see a neurologist. Memory loss may be triggered by a variety of underlying diseases. Neurologists can evaluate your symptoms as well as tailor appropriate treatment and guidance for you.

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