India has some of the best IVF clinics in the world. IVF cost in India ranges from ₹1,24,894 ($1,564)- ₹1,79,834 ($2,252) for each cycle and has the hub of the renowned Ivf Hospital.
The cost of IVF differs depending upon the type you opt for. So, the above cost is not the same for all types. On this page, we have given a complete guide of IVF Cost in India by its types.
Treatment Cost
In-Vitro Fertilization $1,503 - $3,756 |
Intra - Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection $1,878 - $3,130 |
Intra-Cytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection $2630 - $3756 |
Assisted Hatching $176 - $564 |
Frozen Embryo Transfer $501 - $877 |
Cost in Top Cities
Cities | Min | Avg | Max |
Delhi | $1705 | $2046 | $2455 |
Ahmedabad | $1423 | $1708 | $2049 |
Bengaluru | $1673 | $2008 | $2410 |
Mumbai | $1767 | $2121 | $2545 |
Pune | $1611 | $1933 | $2320 |
Chennai | $1533 | $1839 | $2207 |
Hyderabad | $1486 | $1783 | $2139 |
Kolkata | $1361 | $1633 | $1959 |
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Substantially, India charges almost less than half of what the western countries charge. This clearly indicates that India is the most affordable place for infertility treatment. Also, Turkish hospitals offers affordable infertility treatment, as the estimated expenses go up to Rs1,96,660 ($2,500).
For IVF Treatment in Mumbai, you can consult Dr. Hrishikesh Pai
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Even then the basic IVF rate in India is much less than the developed countries like the US where you will have to pay approximately Rs. 8,40,000 ($12,000) as compared to India where it is possible in just Rs. 2,45,000 ($3,500).
Now, let’s talk about the range for all types of fertility treatment cost in India. As In-vitro Fertilization is a blanket term under which there are five types.
Following is approximate cost of all the fertility treatments in India:
1. In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) | $1,502 – $3,756 |
2. Intra - Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) | $1,878 – $3,130 |
3. Intra-Cytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection (IMSI) | $2,629 - $4,382 |
4. Assisted Hatching | $175 - $563 |
5. Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) | $500 - $876 |
Note: The costs mentioned above are approximate and may vary from clinic to clinic depending on the treatment.
India has emerged as a forerunner in infertility treatment especially IVF (In vitro fertilization). There is an increased influx of people coming for IVF treatment to India as they can avail world class treatment, cutting-edge technology and cost- effective healthcare services.
Patient from developed and developing countries frequent India for fertility treatment as they find the IVF procedure cost in India to be 3-4 times lower than the US and the UK.
Want to inquire your about personalized treatment expenses? Don't hesitate. Talk to us today.
Below we have explained about each type of In-vitro Fertilization(IVF):
1. What is the cost of IUI in India?
The cost of IUI in India ranges from ₹10,000 ($125) - ₹22,000 ($275). Intra-uterine Insemination is not a type of IVF but is a part of ART. Generally, IUI is recommended by the Infertility specialist before proceeding with the IVF procedure. In some cases, people don’t have to opt for IVF as they succeed within the IUI treatment itself. Hence, IUI is said to be the initial stage of IVF.
Semen Analysis | $6.26 - $62.21 |
Semen Related tests | $18.78 - $87 |
Semen Transfer | $50 - $125 |
Additional Diagnostics(if required) | - |
Semen Freezing | $37 - $150 |
PESA, MESA, TESA | $125 - $313 |
Note: The above mentioned cost structure may vary from clinic to clinic.
2. What is IVF treatment cost in India?
IVF cost in India ranges from ₹1,20,000 ($1,502) – ₹3,00,000 ($3,756) (each cycle). This cost estimate is made with consideration to the other parameters. This range may also go up to ₹ 4,00,000 ($5,008) if the situation tends to be critical. The In-vitro fertilization cost in India involves number of variables such as medications, laboratory charges (as they are highly specialized for these treatments) and assessment cost.
The IVF price in India is bifurcated into various steps as mentioned below:
Per Assessment Cost | $6.26 - $43 |
Procedure cost | $751 - $2,379 |
Medication Cost | $500 - $1,127 |
Donor Cost (if used) | - |
Donor egg | $375 - $563 |
Donor sperm | $125 - $212 |
Donor Embryo | $500 - $751 |
Note: The above mentioned cost estimate may differ based on clinics.
3. What is the cost of ICSI India?
The cost of ICSI treatment ranges from ₹1,50,000 ($1,878) – ₹2,50,000 ($3,130). ICSI is mainly recommended during severe male infertility. ICSI is said to an advanced procedure of IVF. ICSI comes with more positive results and also costs less as compared to IVF.
The cost part of ICSI treatment is mentioned as follows:
Assessment and Procedure cost | $1,377 - $2,504 |
Medication cost | $525 - $1,064 |
Note: The above mentioned cost estimate may differ based on clinics.
4. What is the cost of IMSI in India?
The cost of IMSI ranges from ₹2,10,000 ($2,626) - ₹3,50,000 ($4,382). This treatment is an advanced version of ICSI. Under IMSI, an inverted microscope is been used which gives you 6000 times better vision. This has brought more advancement in the treatment.
The cost of IMSI treatment is bifurcated in the table mentioned below:
Assessment and Procedure cost | $1,502 - $3,631 |
Medication cost | $500 - $1,127 |
Note: The above mentioned cost estimate may differ based on clinics.
5. What is the cost of Assisted Hatching in India?
Assisted hatching treatment ranges between ₹14,000 ($175) - ₹45,000 ($563). Laser Hatching is the only method used under Assisted Hatching. It is the latest method of assisted hatching. Due to the more effective technology, hence acid type is not used anymore.
The cost factor is mentioned below:
Laser Hatching | $175 – $500 |
Frozen Embyo Transfer | $563 - $1,001 |
Note: The above mentioned cost estimate may differ based on clinics.
Take charge of your health with the best treatment. Book your consultation now.
6. What is the FET cost in India?
FET treatment in India ranges from ₹40,000 ($500) - ₹70,000 ($876). FET is considered in various situations such as failure. Also, it can be undertaken when the couple has preserved the frozen embryos decide to have an another child.
The cost of Frozen Embryo Transfer in India is explained below:
Embryo Freezing | $125 - $225 (yearly) |
Frozen Embryo Transfer | $375 - $751 |
Note: The above mentioned cost estimate may differ based on clinics.

Other Details
Factors affecting IVF cost in India
There are other factors which will have a great impact on the IVF total cost in India such as the age of a woman. The older you are lesser are the chances of conceiving in the first cycle and you may need multiple cycles for a positive outcome. So you will end up spending a lot more for your IVF treatment.
Following are the factors affecting ivf cost in India:
1. Complication in the case: In case, if the situation is critical wherein the couple has experienced multiple IVF failures, then the cost of IVF may raise based on the complication of the case.
2. Cost of Embryo Freezing: Many couples freeze their embryos which can be used at a later date as per their convenience. When required, the frozen embryos are thawed and then transferred to the women uterus.
Please Note: Here, the cost of embryo freezing may lead to an increase in the cost of the treatment.
3. Age of the patient: The older you are lesser are the chances of conceiving in the first cycle and you may need multiple cycles for a positive outcome. Woman under the age of 35, have more chances of undergoing successful IVF within the first few cycles. Because older women has less eggs available wherein woman who is under the age of 30 years has more eggs which are fit for fertilization.
Less than age of 35 | 40% |
More than the age of 35 | 15%- 25% |
4. Donor Sperm/ Egg: It may be necessary for couples who are struggling with infertility issues to consider opting for either donor eggs or donor sperms, according to their requirements.
5. Proficiency of the Doctor: The consultation and the follow-up treatment cost might vary. Infertility specialist in India are highly skilled and has handled more of successful cases would charge more as compared to other doctors.
6. Donor Embryo: Couples having serious health conditions or infertility issues opt for donor embryo. These are usually donated by couples who have successfully completed their IVF cycle and no longer need the excess embryos.
7. Overall Health: Unhealthy habits may be considered while undergoing the treatment. Patients past medical history can be another reason for raise in the cost of treatment.
8. Quality of semen: If the quality of semen is poor, the sperm may be unable to fertilize the egg. Hence, this may reduce the chance of a successful IVF.
Your well-being is our priority - call us to book your appointment today.
Disclaimer : The above rates are for reference purpose only and may vary based on different requirements. To know actual rates, please contact us.
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