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will microdermabrasion help acne go away?

I am getting married in August. I have very big open pores. And as my skin is oily, I have some acne also. Will microdermabrasion treatment help clear all these and make the skin surface smooth?

12 Answers
Dr. Gaurav Arora's profile picture

Dr. Gaurav Arora


25 years of experience

Answered on 27th May '23

??गौरव होम्योपैथिक क्लिनिक??
कई वर्षों से होम्योपैथिक दवाइयों के अनुभव से सभी बीमारियों का इलाज किया जाता है| हमारी कोई फीस नहीं है| 24 घंटे की कंसल्टेशन सर्विस फ्री ऑफ कॉस्ट है, सिर्फ दवाइयों के पैसे लिए जाते हैं| हमारा क्लिनिक हरियाणा सरकार से पंजीकृत है और सम्मानित है| यहां सभी तरह की एलर्जी/खांसी ,पुराना जुकाम और नजला,निमोनिया,छाती के रोग,सांस की बीमारी,फेफड़ों का इन्फेक्शन,गले-नाक-कान की बीमारियों का इलाज,हाइट बढ़ाने की दवा, स्त्रियों के अनचाहे बाल, श्वेत प्रदर,स्त्रियों की तकलीफ (महावारी/बांझपन ),सिर दर्द,चक्करआना,मिर्गी के दौरे,माइग्रेन,पेट के रोग,दांतों में दर्द और कीड़ा लगना ,थायराइड की बीमारी,घुटनों/जोड़ों का दर्द,गठिया,पैरों की डील(फुट कॉर्न),सेहत का ना बनना,भूख ना लगना,नींद ना आना,कमजोरी,खून की कमी,गांठ का बनना,रसौली,नाखून के रोग,मुंह के रोग,कमर का दर्द,डिस्क प्रॉब्लम,सर्वाइकल, सभी प्रकार की चमड़ी की बीमारियों का इलाज जैसे मस्से,दाद,खाज,खुजली,सोरायसिस,एग्जिमा,बालों का गिरना,गंजापन,आंखों की तकलीफ,हकलाना एवं तुतलाना, बहरापन, लीवर की तकलीफ,पीलिया,पित्ताशय एवं किडनी की पथरी का इलाज,पेशाब के रोग,अंडकोष की समस्या,गदूद,शुगर,ब्लड प्रेशर और सेक्स प्रॉब्लम, सालों पुरानी  बवासीर की बीमारी और लकवे की बीमारी इत्यादि का इलाज किया जाता है|

You can contact with doctor at mobile numbers are 8607337495,  9315350760.

For online booking appointment visit website is  and

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Dr. Merwin P

Dr. Merwin P


25 years of experience

Answered on 16th Jan '23

Hi namaskar.. There are very advance treatment for open pores... Laser therapy will definitely give you good results 
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NaN year of experience

Answered on 1st Dec '22

You should go for fractional CO2 laser and PRP for best results 
Dr. Newderma Aesthetic  clinic

2024 years of experience

Answered on 21st Nov '22

yes it will microdermabras will help to clear skin also salicylic acid peeling will be helpful 
Dr. Pradeep Patil's profile picture

Dr. Pradeep Patil


23 years of experience

Answered on 27th Apr '22

Yes . If you are following good skin care like cleansing, toner, moisturiser and sunscreen application regularly then microdermabrasion will help in reducing your problem.

Dr. Sonia Tekchandani's profile picture

Dr. Sonia Tekchandani


36 years of experience

Answered on 27th Apr '22

Hello, lets first find out its underlying cause of acne and treat it. Microdermabrasion can not be done when there are active acne. Treatments like Peels, photofacial, carbon facial, Hydrapeel will help in acne & pigments. After acne settles we can target scars & open pores with treatment like PRP, Microneedling and Fractional CO2 laser. In depth consultation and examination is required.

Dr. Shaikh Waseemuddin's profile picture

Dr. Shaikh Waseemuddin


6 years of experience

Answered on 27th Apr '22

Open pores are nothing but opening of sebaceous glands which helps in maintaining natural oils on skin. some have small pores some big .
Complete removal is not possible nor desirable.
But yes it can be reduced by various treatment one of which is microdermabrasion

Dr. Parul Khot's profile picture

Dr. Parul Khot


19 years of experience

Answered on 27th Apr '22

MDA will help in glow, reducing patchiness and gets the marks lighter in 1 shade. But if deeper acne scars n marks that needs treatments. Also for Bridal needs , 3 months in advance is a good time to repair the skin and get the best skin for D wedding day.

Dr. Piyush Sikotra's profile picture

Dr. Piyush Sikotra


14 years of experience

Answered on 27th Apr '22

For dark circles: chemical peels and medicines 
For wrinkles: Botox will be an effective treatment

Dr. Dharamveer Singh's profile picture

Dr. Dharamveer Singh

Aesthetic Dermatologist

16 years of experience

Answered on 27th Apr '22

Yes Microdermabrasion will help improve open pores and acne marks . Get it done on a more regular basis . Also follow some routine home care

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