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chronic apical periodontitis treatment?

What are the treatments available for chronic apical periodontitis?

Dr. Harshvardhan S's profile picture

Dr. Harshvardhan S


14 years of experience

Answered on 26th Oct '23

Clinical check up would be needed to decide on the options. Any xray to share?
Dr. Gaurav Arora's profile picture

Dr. Gaurav Arora


25 years of experience

Answered on 27th May '23

??गौरव होम्योपैथिक क्लिनिक??
कई वर्षों से होम्योपैथिक दवाइयों के अनुभव से सभी बीमारियों का इलाज किया जाता है| हमारी कोई फीस नहीं है| 24 घंटे की कंसल्टेशन सर्विस फ्री ऑफ कॉस्ट है, सिर्फ दवाइयों के पैसे लिए जाते हैं| हमारा क्लिनिक हरियाणा सरकार से पंजीकृत है और सम्मानित है| यहां सभी तरह की एलर्जी/खांसी ,पुराना जुकाम और नजला,निमोनिया,छाती के रोग,सांस की बीमारी,फेफड़ों का इन्फेक्शन,गले-नाक-कान की बीमारियों का इलाज,हाइट बढ़ाने की दवा, स्त्रियों के अनचाहे बाल, श्वेत प्रदर,स्त्रियों की तकलीफ (महावारी/बांझपन ),सिर दर्द,चक्करआना,मिर्गी के दौरे,माइग्रेन,पेट के रोग,दांतों में दर्द और कीड़ा लगना ,थायराइड की बीमारी,घुटनों/जोड़ों का दर्द,गठिया,पैरों की डील(फुट कॉर्न),सेहत का ना बनना,भूख ना लगना,नींद ना आना,कमजोरी,खून की कमी,गांठ का बनना,रसौली,नाखून के रोग,मुंह के रोग,कमर का दर्द,डिस्क प्रॉब्लम,सर्वाइकल, सभी प्रकार की चमड़ी की बीमारियों का इलाज जैसे मस्से,दाद,खाज,खुजली,सोरायसिस,एग्जिमा,बालों का गिरना,गंजापन,आंखों की तकलीफ,हकलाना एवं तुतलाना, बहरापन, लीवर की तकलीफ,पीलिया,पित्ताशय एवं किडनी की पथरी का इलाज,पेशाब के रोग,अंडकोष की समस्या,गदूद,शुगर,ब्लड प्रेशर और सेक्स प्रॉब्लम, सालों पुरानी  बवासीर की बीमारी और लकवे की बीमारी इत्यादि का इलाज किया जाता है|

You can contact with doctor at mobile numbers are 8607337495,  9315350760.

For online booking appointment visit website is  and

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Dr. Dr.Bhagat  Tanwar's profile picture

Dr. Dr.Bhagat Tanwar

Conservative Dentist

25 years of experience

Answered on 6th Jan '23

after radiographic & clinical examination..can be better revealed 
Dr. Saudnya Rudrawar

Dr. Saudnya Rudrawar

Dental Aesthetics

25 years of experience

Answered on 6th Dec '22

it is either root canal or root canal and apicectomy. it can be decided only after clinical and radiographic examination.
Dr. raj kumar pogaku

Dr. raj kumar pogaku


2024 years of experience

Answered on 30th Nov '22

for chronic apical periodontitis tooth  root canal is the option even after root canal if the pain still persist ,then other option is apicectomy this will save the tooth .
Dr. dr shabeer ahamed

Dr. dr shabeer ahamed


2024 years of experience

Answered on 11th Nov '22

RCT and flap surgeries
Dr. Soham Datta

Dr. Soham Datta

Conservative Dentist

25 years of experience

Answered on 27th Oct '22

Three treatments are available.
 1st one,  Nonsurgical root canal treatment.
pros: can save the tooth.
cons: mutiple time visit to clinic  at 7-10 days interval / 1-2 months interval (depending which kind of medication is given to resolve the infection by the dentist).so needs a lots of patience to save the tooth. 
If responding and infection start healing via radiograph then congratulations. if not responding after giving medication also (can happened) then Apicoectomy ( cutting the apical root part along with cleaning of the infection) is the option.
pros: can able to save the tooth still.
cons: cant able to done in all tooth specailly posterior due to accessibility issue. so the third option is Extraction and replacement.
Dr. Gayathri Murugan's profile picture

14 years of experience

Answered on 27th Apr '22

Chronic apical periodontitis is a condition in which the apical portion of a tooth's root is chronically inflamed. The term chronic means the problem must have been present for a long period of time 
Treatment options are root canal treatment either in a single visit or in two visits.
If the infection persist we can go in for apicoectomy

Dr. Suhrab Singh's profile picture

Dr. Suhrab Singh


13 years of experience

Answered on 25th Apr '22

Root canal treatment and apicoectomy in some cases if lesion is big in size and cannot be resolved via non surgical method such as root canal treatment. Following root canal treatment usually finished in 2 visits in such cases, crown is placed after 4 to 5 days post completion of the second visit. 
Antiniotics may or may not be given depending upon your symptoms and assessment by the treating doctor

Dr. Raktim Phukan's profile picture

8 years of experience

Answered on 25th Apr '22

Root canal treatment of the concerned teeth or apicectomy, followed by bone grafting and flap surgery if turns out to be severe .

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