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What to expect 5 months after knee replacement?

20 Answers
Dr. Pramod Bhor's profile picture

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Joint Replacement Surgeon

21 years of experience

Answered on 9th Jan '24

After five months of knee replacement surgery, most patients have a significant reduction in pain and improvement over their pre-surgery status. You may be able to go about your everyday activities more easily, but there will still be some mild discomfort and swelling after long periods of activity. Range of motion should be significantly better, but it may still have been incrementing over time and full recovery often depends on continuous physiotherapy. While you should still avoid high-impact groups, low impact striking activities such as swimming cycling and walking are usually recommended. Recovery time may vary from person to person so it is important that you continue your surgeon’s advice and your physical therapist.’

Dr. Shivanshu Mittal's profile picture

Dr. Shivanshu Mittal

Orthopaedic Surgery

11 years of experience

Answered on 26th Oct '23

The patient should be ambulant independently and have good range of knee movements. However, it always depends at what stage the surgery was done ,how was the movement before, what's the muscle power, weight of the patient, ambulatory status prior to surgery.
Dr. Deep Chakraborty's profile picture

Dr. Deep Chakraborty

Orthopaedic Surgery

13 years of experience

Answered on 20th Sept '23

U should have a stable knee,,, have the confidence to climb and decent stairs independently,, and depending on the profile of the pt,, achieve knee bending from 100 to 140 degrees
Dr. Gaurav Arora's profile picture

Dr. Gaurav Arora


25 years of experience

Answered on 27th May '23

??गौरव होम्योपैथिक क्लिनिक??
कई वर्षों से होम्योपैथिक दवाइयों के अनुभव से सभी बीमारियों का इलाज किया जाता है| हमारी कोई फीस नहीं है| 24 घंटे की कंसल्टेशन सर्विस फ्री ऑफ कॉस्ट है, सिर्फ दवाइयों के पैसे लिए जाते हैं| हमारा क्लिनिक हरियाणा सरकार से पंजीकृत है और सम्मानित है| यहां सभी तरह की एलर्जी/खांसी ,पुराना जुकाम और नजला,निमोनिया,छाती के रोग,सांस की बीमारी,फेफड़ों का इन्फेक्शन,गले-नाक-कान की बीमारियों का इलाज,हाइट बढ़ाने की दवा, स्त्रियों के अनचाहे बाल, श्वेत प्रदर,स्त्रियों की तकलीफ (महावारी/बांझपन ),सिर दर्द,चक्करआना,मिर्गी के दौरे,माइग्रेन,पेट के रोग,दांतों में दर्द और कीड़ा लगना ,थायराइड की बीमारी,घुटनों/जोड़ों का दर्द,गठिया,पैरों की डील(फुट कॉर्न),सेहत का ना बनना,भूख ना लगना,नींद ना आना,कमजोरी,खून की कमी,गांठ का बनना,रसौली,नाखून के रोग,मुंह के रोग,कमर का दर्द,डिस्क प्रॉब्लम,सर्वाइकल, सभी प्रकार की चमड़ी की बीमारियों का इलाज जैसे मस्से,दाद,खाज,खुजली,सोरायसिस,एग्जिमा,बालों का गिरना,गंजापन,आंखों की तकलीफ,हकलाना एवं तुतलाना, बहरापन, लीवर की तकलीफ,पीलिया,पित्ताशय एवं किडनी की पथरी का इलाज,पेशाब के रोग,अंडकोष की समस्या,गदूद,शुगर,ब्लड प्रेशर और सेक्स प्रॉब्लम, सालों पुरानी  बवासीर की बीमारी और लकवे की बीमारी इत्यादि का इलाज किया जाता है|

You can contact with doctor at mobile numbers are 8607337495,  9315350760.

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Dr. Neetu Rathi's profile picture

Dr. Neetu Rathi


25 years of experience

Answered on 23rd Feb '23

Greetings from Rid of Pain Physiotherapy
your question is vast. Recovery depends on multiple things like status of muscle strength, alignment of bones, ROM, pre n post surgical physiotherapy rehabilitation if u done. although in healthy cases a patient should b able to do all the activities of daily living independently without pain. 

Dr. Aarshy Sharif

Dr. Aarshy Sharif


25 years of experience

Answered on 21st Feb '23

5 months after knee replacement would mean complete healing of the knee.

the patient should be able to walk without Walker with perfect balance and the knee joint ranges would have been restored.

Dr. Utsav Agrawal

Dr. Utsav Agrawal

Trauma Surgeon

25 years of experience

Answered on 21st Feb '23

Most patient should experience a near normal life 5 months after a knee surgery 

for more info 


feel free to get in touch

Dr Utsav Agrawal

Orthopaedic and Joint Replacement Surgeon


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NaN year of experience

Answered on 21st Feb '23

After 5 months of knee replacement surgery

one should be independently walking,stair climbing, trekking


many of them do full squatting also 

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NaN year of experience

Answered on 20th Jan '23

do exercises properly & you will be able to walk 
Dr. Utkarsh Pawar's profile picture

Dr. Utkarsh Pawar


15 years of experience

Answered on 24th Dec '22

answer its not thats simple as recovery is dependent on status of muscles before surgery and disability before surgery
however, by the end of 6 months post surgery, 90% patients are painfree and without any major issues
thank you

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